I want to add a white background to my transparant images (png) and resize them. The images are located in a folder. I need to do bulk work, not 1 image at the time.
I removed the background from the images first with rembg (works good) and now I want to change the images.
My code
import rembg
import glob
from pathlib import Path
from rembg import remove, new_session
session = new_session()
for file in Path(r'C:\test\images').glob('*.jpg'):
input_path = str(file)
output_path = str(file.parent / (file.stem + ".out.png"))
with open(input_path, 'rb') as i:
with open(output_path, 'wb') as o:
input = i.read()
output = remove(input, session=session)
I do not know how to add the white backgroud and resize with python because I'm fairly new to this. Thank you in advance!
I think you want a helper function to do the work, something like:
from PIL import Image
import rembg
def process(session, image, *, size=None, bgcolor='white'):
"session is a rembg Session, and image is a PIL Image"
if size is not None:
image = image.resize(size)
size = image.size
result = Image.new("RGB", size, bgcolor)
out = rembg.remove(image, session=session)
result.paste(out, mask=out)
return result
The idea being that you pass a rembg Session
and a Pillow Image
in and it will remove the background and flatten that image, resizing along the way.
As a working example, you could do something like:
from io import BytesIO
import requests
session = rembg.new_session("u2netp")
res = requests.get("https://picsum.photos/600")
with Image.open(BytesIO(res.content)) as img:
out = process(session, img, size=(256, 256), bgcolor='#F0E68C')
For example, an input and output might be:
If you wanted to work with lots of files, your pathlib
objects can be passed directly to Pillow:
from pathlib import Path
for path_in in Path(r'C:\test\images').glob('*.jpg'):
path_out = path_in.parent / f"{path_in.stem}-out.png"
# no point processing images that have already been done!
if path_out.exists():
with Image.open(path_in) as img:
out = process(session, img, size=(256, 256), bgcolor='#F0E68C')
Update: it's often worth adding a check into these loops so they can be rerun and not have to process everything again. If you really do want images to be re-processed then just delete *-out.png