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How to set card elevation in jetpack compose with Material3

I've created the simple card in jetpack compose, Here I set elevation but it shows a type mismatch.

            shape = RoundedCornerShape(20.dp),elevation = 10.dp
        ) {
            Box(modifier = Modifier.height(200.dp)) {
                Image(painter = painter, contentDescription = contentDescription,
                contentScale = ContentScale.Crop)


An image of an error appearing in an editor. The error reads, "Type mismatch. Required: CardElevation. Found: Dp."


  • You are using M3 (androidx.compose.material3) Card and the elevation attribute requires a CardElevation object:

    Something like:

        shape = RoundedCornerShape(20.dp),
        elevation = CardDefaults.cardElevation(
            defaultElevation = 10.dp