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how to make list of specific key values for the same object in mongdb?

I have a collection named network in mongoldb, that has the objects like this

        "_id" : ObjectId("639755094ab8f1702b3b661a"),
        "Id" : "Tom",
        "otherId" : "Jack",
        "source" : "proposal",
        "year" : "2017"
        "_id" : ObjectId("6397550a4ab8f1702b3b6ff7"),
        "Id" : "Tom",
        "otherId" : "Jack",
        "source" : "grant",
        "year" : "2018"
        "_id" : ObjectId("6397550a4ab8f1702b3b7336"),
        "Id" : "Tom",
        "otherId" : "Jack",
        "source" : "tech",
        "year" : null
        "_id" : ObjectId("6397550b4ab8f1702b3b75ae"),
        "Id" : "Tom",
        "otherId" : "Jack",
        "source" : "proposal",
        "year" : "2019"
        "_id" : ObjectId("6397550b4ab8f1702b3b7a03"),
        "Id" : "Tom",
        "otherId" : "Jack",
        "source" : "proposal",
        "year" : "2018"
        "_id" : ObjectId("6397550b4ab8f1702b3b7a01"),
        "Id" : "Sarah",
        "otherId" : "Edward",
        "source" : "proposal",
        "year" : "2018"
        "_id" : ObjectId("6397550b4ab8f1702b3b7a04"),
        "Id" : "Sarah",
        "otherId" : "Edward",
        "source" : "grant",
        "year" : "2018"

I want to make another collection using $out function as the following desired output

        "_id" : ObjectId("6397550b4ab8f1702b3b7a03"),
        "Id" : "Tom",
        "otherId" : "Jack",
        "source" : ["proposal","grant","tech"]
        "count" : 5
        "_id" : ObjectId("6397550b4ab8f1702b3b7a02"),
        "Id" : "Sarah",
        "otherId" : "Edward",
        "source" : ["proposal","grant"]
        "count" : 2

count if the number of times they worked together so actually{"Id":"Tom","otherId":"Jack"}).count() work to find count, but how to make it in list of source for each collaborators without repetition, I couldn't find the solution.


  • Maybe like this:

     $group: {
      _id: {
        Id: "$Id",
        otherId: "$otherId"
      count: {
        $sum: 1
      source: {
        $addToSet: "$source"
    $project: {
      _id: 0,
      Id: "$_id.Id",
      otherId: "$_id.otherId",
      count: 1,
      source: 1


    1. Group with $addToSet so you get the source list without duplicates
    2. Project only the needed fields as per your needs
