Search code examples

Dynamic array with angular

Basically I have an api that returns data when I do a search, I push them into an array and I display them by doing an ngFor in my html.

When I want to do a new search it's the same function that is called, but the html is not updated while I get new data.

It always appears the old data recovered the first time.

To search, i used this code :


export class RechercheToutComponent implements OnInit {

  searchInput = new FormControl('');

    private router: Router,
    private recherche: RechercheComponent
  ) { }

  ngOnInit(): void {

  search() {
      this.router.navigate(['/recherche'], {queryParams: {search: this.searchInput.value}}).then(r => this.recherche.searchResult(this.searchInput.value))


<form class="catalogue-search-form" (ngSubmit)="search()">
  <div class="search-bar">
    <input type="text"
           placeholder="Rechercher dans Intra"
    <button type="submit" class="text-button">


export class RechercheComponent implements OnInit {

  searchParam: any;

  results$: Observable<Array<any>>;

  isResultLoading: boolean = true;

    private route: ActivatedRoute,
    private http: HttpClient
  ) {

  ngOnInit(): void {
    this.route.queryParams.subscribe(params => {
      this.searchParam = params['search']

  searchResult(searchParam) {
    this.http.get(`${environment.apiUrl}/Recherchetout.php`, {params: {search: searchParam}}).subscribe(
      (data: Array<any>) => {
        this.results$ = of(data)
        this.isResultLoading = false;


<div class="recherche">
  <div class="spinner-search" *ngIf="isResultLoading">
  <div class="content" *ngIf="!isResultLoading">
    <div *ngFor="let oui of results$ | async">
      <div *ngIf="oui.produit != undefined">
        {{ oui.produit.pdf }}

I tried to create observables but it didn't work, with a simple array too.

So my question is: Why is my data not updating on my html? And how to do it ?

Sorry in advance for the mistakes, or for the disastrous code I begin in angular


  • you are injecting RechercheComponent inside the SearchBar component, angular will create different instance than the one used on the UI.

    to send data between multiple components create a parent component and use it to allow communication between the two components (use the Input and Output attributes).

    make your system navigate to the parent then


    export class ParentComponent {
      data: any[];
      isResultLoading = false;
      updateData(data: any[]) { = data


    <app-search-bar (change)="dataChange($event)" [(isResultLoading)]="isResultLoading"></app-search-bar>
    <app-search [data]="data" *ngIf="!isResultLoading"></app-search>

    update your Search.component.ts

    //add outputs and inputs
    @Output() change = new EventEmitter<any[]>(); //make sure to import EventEmitter from @angular/core
    @Input() isResultLoading : boolean
    // update searchResult  subscription function
    searchResult(searchParam) {
      this.isResultLoading = true;
      this.http.get(`${environment.apiUrl}/Recherchetout.php`, { params: { search: searchParam } }).subscribe(
        (data: Array<any>) => {
          this.isResultLoading = false;

    and finally instead of having observable result$ inside Search.component.ts replace it with @Input() data:Any[]