There is an instruction in MIPS which allows us to load a number from Memory. like this:
array: .word 1,2,3,4
la $t0, A
lw $t1, 8($t0) #will load 3 to $t1
Is there any way to use (the number inside a register) instead of (immediate number)? like:
li $t2, 8
lw $t1, $t2($t1) # again will load 3 to $t1
If not how can I do indexed addressing with two registers?
MIPS lacks the ability to perform variable offsetting like you described. As Jester explained, you will just have to add $t2
to $t1
like so:
array: .word 1,2,3,4
la $t0,array
li $t2,8 #array[2]
addu $t0,$t0,$t2 #using unsigned arithmetic here. Very important!
lw $t1,0($t0) #load the 3 into $t1
Remember, pointer arithmetic should always be done with unsigned addition/subtraction, as signed arithmetic instructions may cause an overflow exception (something you don't want in this case.)