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codeIgniter framework 4 not working title

Earlier I'm used CodeIgniter 3 and after now using CodeIgniter 4 .

this is my view

 <title><?php echo $title; ?></title>

this is my controller

namespace App\Controllers;
class Home extends BaseController
    public function index()
         $data = [
            'title'     => 'My Real Title',
            'heading'   => 'My Real Heading',
        return view('blog_view', $data);
          return view('common/header')
          //  . view('home')
           . view('flip-flop-slippers',$data)
            . view('common/footer');

But after showing this error

Whoops! We seem to have hit a snag. Please try again later...


  • While loading the view, you closed the first view with a semicolon, then you returned the second view, can you try this way?

    To which view you want to send the


    variable, please send it to that view. I sent it here for the example at first.

    namespace App\Controllers;
    class Home extends BaseController
        public function index()
             $data = [
                'title'     => 'My Real Title',
                'heading'   => 'My Real Heading',
            return view('blog_view', $data)
              . view('common/header')
              . view('flip-flop-slippers')
              . view('common/footer');

    Controller Controller

    View 1

    view 1

    View 2

    view 2

    And result.
