Inside my class BatterSimulation I have a static method that either returns a Tuple[pd.Dataframe, np.array] or returns just the dataframe depending on if I'm using the method internally in the class or not.
def transform_schedule(schedule: List[dict], time_step: int,
offset_power: pd.DataFrame, internal_use: bool = True) -> ?:
if internal_use:
return schedule, schedule.state.values
return schedule
How do i use return type hints for this? Is this generally done, or is this bad practice?
I tried the following:
def transform_schedule(schedule: List[dict], time_step: int,
offset_power: pd.DataFrame, internal_use: bool = True) -> Tuple[pd.DataFrame, np.array] or pd.DataFrame:
You can write it like this:
Tuple[pd.DataFrame, np.array] | pd.DataFrame
Union[Tuple[pd.DataFrame, np.array], pd.DataFrame]
Also in your case, this one might be better by changing return to always return a tuple. (df, None)
Tuple[pd.DataFrame, Optional[np.array]]