I am getting an error when trying to access the from_id attribute from an message that has only media (photos, documents, voice, video) in it. Error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310\lib\site-packages\telethon\client\updates.py", line 467, in _dispatch_update
await callback(event)
File "d:\Code\asd\back.py", line 16, in on_message
await pl.add_message(f'saved/{event.peer_id.user_id}/chat.json', event)
File "d:\Code\asd\plugins.py", line 25, in add_message
'author': event.from_id.user_id if event.from_id.user_id != None else event.peer_id.user_id,
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'user_id'
No error appears when I send media, it only happens when I get the media send to me. I hope some of you could help me finding an answer to my question.
I've been trying to use peer_id instead of from_id, but that didn't help eighter
since the introduction of Anonymous Admins, messages in Telegram chats can have no sender's.
You should be using the message.sender_id
instead of from_id
, in Telethon.
Reference: https://t.me/TelethonChat/126622