As far as I know async method won't lock user interface. At least it seems to work most of the time. But here it doesn't, and I can't figure out why. It's Avalonia MVVM application. Here is the code:
public class MainWindowViewModel : ReactiveValidationObject
public MainWindowViewModel()
OnRunClick = ReactiveCommand.CreateFromTask(
() => OnRun(),
public ReactiveCommand<Unit, Unit> OnRunClick { get; }
private async Task OnRun()
await Dispatcher.UIThread.InvokeAsync(() =>
When button is clicked OnRunClick
is called, and then user interface stops responding as long as DoSomethingForVeryLongTime
runs. Which is not possible to happen, because async ensures interface is still active, yet it happens.
This code runs DoSomethingForVeryLongTime
on the UI thread, not a background thread. It issues the call asynchronously but the actual call still runs on the UI thread.
Running something in the background
To actually run in the background, use Task.Run
private async Task OnRun()
await Task.Run(DoSomethingForVeryLongTime);
Updating the UI with async/await
Background methods can't modify the UI though, no matter how they're invoked. Execution needs to return to the UI thread somehow. That's what await
does in the first place.
If DoSomethingForVeryLongTime
can be split into background and UI parts, the background parts can run in the background using Task.Run
. Execution will return to the UI thread with await
. For example
private async Task OnRun()
await DoSomethingForVeryLongTime();
async Task DoSomethingForVeryLongTime()
for int(i=0;i<1000;i++)
//Process in another thread background
await Task.Run(()=>DoSomethingExpensive(i));
//Return to the UI thread and update it
Updating the UI using IProgress
Another option is to use the IProgress interface and the Progress implementation to report progress from a background thread. Progress<T>
calls a callback method for each message in the thread it was created in :
record FileProgress(string Name, int Index, int Total);
//This will run in the UI thread
void UpdateProgress(FileProgress fp)
private async Task OnRun()
//pg is created in the UI thread
var pg=new Progress<FileProgress>(UpdateProgress);
await Task.Run(()=>DoSomethingForVeryLongTime(pg));
async Task DoSomethingForVeryLongTime(IProgress<FileProgress> progress)
for int(i=0;i<1000;i++)
//Return to the UI thread and update it
progress.Report(new FileProgress(fileName,i,1000);
Avoiding Task.Run
may not be needed at all if the "long runinng" work is an asynchronous operation, like waiting for a database response, an HTTP call or any IO operations. In this case we can use the asynchronous version of the operation, and get back to the UI thread when the operation completes.
Let's say we need to make multiple HTTP calls which can take several seconds. We can use HttpClient.GetAsync for this :
private async Task OnRun()
await DoSomethingForVeryLongTime();
async Task DoSomethingForVeryLongTime()
using var connection=new SqlConnection(_connectionString);
foreach(var url in _urls)
var response=await _httpClient.GetStringAsync(url);
await connection.ExecuteAsync(@"insert MyTable(url,response) values (@url, @response)",
new { url,response });
This example uses Dapper to avoid the typical database boilerplate code. Dapper will open and close a connection as needed, so we avoid having a connection open while retrieving HTTP responses.