I have a dataframe with two columns and several thousand rows. I am plotting this in python by using plotly (px.scatter) and I created a trendline with rolling average 20.
fig = px.scatter(df3, x='Index', y='Average Amplitude (dB)', hover_data=['Average Amplitude (dB)'],
color='Average Amplitude (dB)', trendline="rolling", trendline_options=dict(window=20),
trendline_color_override="black", title='Average Amplitude (dB)')
I there a way to make the plotly graph just showing the trendline and not all the other values? I just want to see the average of 20 data points and not the raw values.
A scatterplot with trendlines consists of two graphical elements: a scatterplot and a line chart. So, after creating the graph, delete the first scatter plot. Since it is in tuple format, we use slices to keep only the trendlines. I have modified the code to what you expect based on the example in the reference since you did not present any data.
import plotly.express as px
df = px.data.stocks(datetimes=True)
fig = px.scatter(df,
title="5-point moving average"
fig.data = fig.data[1:]