Got stuck on mergemap while learning rxjs. I have 2 observables
let list1= of(1,2)
let list2= of('A','B')
and I want to concatenate the results like this:
1A, 1B, 2A, 2B
How to accomplish the concatenation inside mergemap block
return list1.pipe(
mergeMap((item: any) => {
i want to concatenate items of list1 with items of list2 here
I appreciate your help with this please
I have tried
return list1.pipe(
mergeMap((item: any) => {
return item + list2
But it returns 1 [ o b j e c t ] 2 [ o b j e c t ]
Use an inner pipe
import { of, map, mergeMap } from 'rxjs';
const list1 = of(1, 2);
const list2 = of('A', 'B');
mergeMap((list1Value) =>
list2.pipe(map((list2Value) => list1Value + list2Value))