For translations in our application, we're using Zend Translate with the gettext adapter. In each module is a folder translations
, containing .mo files for all the languages;
Which are scanned and added through the addTranslation()
if ( is_dir( $translations_dir ) ) {
foreach ( new DirectoryIterator( $translations_dir ) as $file ) {
if ( substr( $file, -3 ) == '.mo' ) {
$ZendTranslate->addTranslation( $file->getPathname(), $file->getBasename('.mo') );
The strings in my application are translated using the _()
method, passing the current language as a parameter (it's stored in my framework's Language class):
$ZendTranslate->_( $string, $this->language );
Now I need to customize the Dutch (nl) language strings for a specific customer. I don't want to modify the
file, as that would affect other customers. So I created a file called
(kpn is the customer name), and switched the $this->language
to 'nl_kpn'. I was hoping Zend Transate would take
as the base file, overriding the customized strings found in
. But unfortunately I experienced, as the manual states:
fr_CH will be downgraded to fr
So all the strings were still from the
file, even though $this->language
was set to 'nl_kpn'. So how can I create a more specific version of a language, overriding strings from the general one? It must be possible, right? Because there's also en_UK and en_US, which are different 'dialects' of the same language.
As Rijk said, Zend_Translate will try to invoke a Zend_Locale, which simply does not exist. Unfortunatly, the listing has been set to private, so we may not use inheritance to simply derive our own implementation.
However, you have two options. Depending on your setup, you may just set your own
-file for this specific customer by providing a different directory in the configuration. That way, you may link all other language-files and have a separate one for the kpn-client.
The second option you have is to get rid of Zend_Translate and use the default php gettext. As you are already using gettext-files and seem to use the translate()
-function, you would not have any more work than to refactor $ZendTranslate to your gettext-class. If you do use Zend_Translate automatically in other classes (e.g. in Zend_Navigation), you can just leave those intact.
While the 2nd option does work, it is a bit messy - however, the third and clean alternative is to inherit Zend_Locale and rewriting all methods accessing the private language list. That way, you can add your own. Or you even go the lenghts of rewriting the parts of Zend_Locale to support dynamical adding of languages and send a patch file in - that way, we may benefit from your work, too. ;)