My client have 7896 pages on previous website URL of older website like:{url}
Now client want to make new website but he need same url structure as older one ({url})
Client have approx 45k blog post in different category & this need to be manage from laravel admin panel.
If i need to do that than i have 45k url in the root domain like ({url}), here issue comes in that there are new development in the website also with route like
({cat_url}) ({cat_url})
I have 45k blog url in the web.php file
Issue list
now in the aws server i m facing issue related to memory timeout as i have large amount of URL in the root that is loaded into memory.
Error Message:
local.ERROR: Out of memory (allocated 38469632) (tried to allocate 3170560 bytes) {"exception":"[object] (Symfony\\Component\\ErrorHandler\\Error\\FatalError(code: 0): Out of memory (allocated 38469632) (tried to allocate 3170560 bytes) at /
#0 {main}
Is there any way that we can solve this? Insted of 45k url in web.php to only 1 function or menthod we can use that?
Please share your solution or guide me on this.
My web.php file like.
Route::get('test-blog', 'Front\BlogController@blog_details');
Route::get('hello-world', 'Front\BlogController@blog_details');
--- 45k routes like this ---
@Vüsal Hüseynli
Based on your comment i have solved this issue.
My web.php file
Route::get('category/{any}', 'Front\BlogController@cat_details');
Route::get('tags/{any}', 'Front\BlogController@tag_details');
Route::get('{any}', 'Front\BlogController@blog_details');
My BlogController.php file
class BlogController extends Controller
public function blog_details(Request $request)
$urlSegment = $request->segment(1);
$blog = Blog::where("slug", "=", $urlSegment)->first();
I can access all my blog routes as well as other urls that is not part of the blog.