In my code I am trying to get access my data bank through query builder, everything works I am able to get access to everything as a string
(which this is what I want), everything but my date is returned as a class DateTime object
in my Frontend, the intersting part for me through Api I am getting my date as a string
and not as a class DateTime object
and I cant understand why I am getting two different results when I am using the same methods same query builder
and my Question is why am I getting two different results? is it possible to get different result through Api? and if so why? and is there a way to convert the class DateTime object
to a string
Api Controller
public function indexAction()
$request = $this->Request();
$limit = $request->getParam('limit', 1000);
$offset = $request->getParam('start', 0);
$sort = $request->getParam('sort', []);
$filter = $request->getParam('filter', []);
$result = $this->resource->getList($offset, $limit, $filter, $sort);
$view = $this->View();
$view->assign('success', true);
Fronend Controller
public function listAction()
$feedback= $this->resource->getList(0, 10, null, null);
$this->View()->assign('feedback', $feedback);
protected function getBaseQuery()
$builder = $this->getManager()->createQueryBuilder();
$builder->select(['feedback', 'user_id.firstname','user_id.lastname',])
->from(FeedbackModel::class, 'feedback')
->leftJoin('feedback.customer', 'user_id');
return $builder;
getList function
public function getList($offset, $limit, $filter, $sort)
$builder = $this->getBaseQuery();
if (!empty($filter)){
if (!empty($sort)){
$query = $builder->getQuery();
$paginator = $this->getManager()->createPaginator($query);
$totalResult = $paginator->count();
$feedback = $paginator->getIterator()->getArrayCopy();
return ['data' => $feedback , 'total' => $totalResult];
Api result
id 1
feedback "this shop is boring"
date "2022-12-07T00:00:00+0100"
public true
firstname "some"
lastname "thing"
total 1
success true
Frontend Result
0 => Array (3)
0 => Array (4)
id => 1
feedback => "this shop is boring"
date => DateTime Object (0)
public => true
firstname => "some"
lastname => "thing"
total => 1
->nocache = null
How I fixed my Problem and what it was:
With the help of @ADyson I found out what the problem was. I was tackling the problem from the wrong way though I didn't need to convert my DateTime
to string neither in my Model
, in my Controller
or my Query-builder
the only problem was the way I was calling it, there is a way of calling date objects like this in smarty and its by using |date:'dd.MM.y'
in my case it was {$|date:'dd.MM.y'}
this get the date inside of the class and converts it to a string at the same time and like that I got to call the date that I want.
To answer my Original Question:
Api and Frontend don't give different result but a different Format which is for the human eye a bit different with the use of different Tools such as PHPStorm Debugger, Postman and Smarty Debugger I got to see the different result, why I am getting these Kind of results and the data inside of the class DateTime
in my case.
what helped me find a solution my to problem