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PostgreSQL - Creating a CDR-like View/Table from a Simple Agent States Table

I have a table I am trying to work with as such:

Timestamp Agent State
2022/11/10 05:00:01 Steve In Call
2022/11/10 06:00:01 Steve Waiting
2022/11/10 05:00:01 Jack In Call
2022/11/10 05:30:01 Jack Waiting
2022/11/10 07:00:01 Steve In Call

Basically, We have agents in a call centre, and whenever they change state, a record of the state, and the timestamps that the change occured, as well as the agents name is recorded into a DB. In order to work with this data in PowerBI, I need to change how it is displayed.

What i need to do is get this data into a view like follows:

Starttime Endtime Agent State Duration (s)
2022/11/10 05:00:01 2022/11/10 06:00:01 Steve In Call 3600
2022/11/10 05:00:01 2022/11/10 05:30:01 Jack In Call 1800
2022/11/10 06:00:01 2022/11/10 07:00:01 Steve Waiting 3600

So using the data in the first table (we know the end times as when that agent changes to the next status, we can use that as the end time for the previous status), Im trying to get a new table or view, presenting the data with:

  • Their Name
  • Start and end time of the state
  • the state
  • The duration in seconds they were in that state

Im having a bit of trouble working out in my head how to do this for all of the agents and data. Can anyone provide me some guidance as to where I can start?


  • What i need to do is get this data into a view like follows:

    sure. The order may not be exact order. Change the order use order by clause as your wish.
    setup test:

    create temp table call(log_Timestamp timestamp,Agent text,  State text);
    insert into call values
    ('2022/11/10 05:00:01',     'Steve'     ,'In Call')
    ,('2022/11/10 06:00:01',    'Steve'     ,'Waiting')
    ,('2022/11/10 05:00:01',    'Jack'  ,'In Call')
    ,('2022/11/10 05:30:01',    'Jack'  ,'Waiting')
    ,('2022/11/10 07:00:01',    'Steve'     ,'In Call');


    CREATE VIEW call_view AS
    WITH cte AS (
            c1.log_Timestamp AS start,
            lead(c1.log_Timestamp) OVER (PARTITION BY Agent ORDER BY log_Timestamp),
            EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM (lead(c1.log_Timestamp) OVER (PARTITION BY Agent ORDER BY log_Timestamp) - c1.log_Timestamp)),
        FROM CALL c1 ORDER BY Agent,
        lead IS NOT NULL;