I am trying to give the user certain permissions, but I am unable to access the teamsList object which shows empty in the 'if condition'
output console
please check this image. The if-condition is not working.
async created() {
console.log('teams list is before loading teams',this.teamsList);
.then((response) => {
this.teamsList = response.data;
console.log('teams list is after loadteams',this.teamsList);
.catch((error) => {
if (this.teamsList.teamName==='admins') {
console.log('access-check', this.haveAccess,this.teamsList);
An object's property can not be access directly if it is inside an array.
In your code, the teamsList
variable is an array which is holding 3 items.
Therefore, you can not access the property teamName
directly on that array.
If your data is dynamic then you need to loop on each time to access its property teamName
this.teamsList.forEach(item => {
if (item.teamName === 'admins') {
console.log('access-check', item.teamName);
If your data is fixed which means always an array of 3 items with fixed data then you can access it like this-
if (this.teamsList[0].teamName === 'admins') {
console.log('access-check', this.teamsList[0].teamName);