I'm trying to make this python script work:
The script should download the youtube video link's Audio, the link is saved in a .txt file in the same folder as the script
when i run the script it doesn't do anything has anyone got a clue?
import pafy
# opening the text file which contains all the links
file = open('list.txt', 'r')
# loop through each link in the file
for line in file:
# Assign link to "url" variable
url = line
# Passing link to pafy
video = pafy.new(url)
# extracting the best available audio
bestaudio = video.getbestaudio()
# downloading the extracted audio
# move to next link if the video is removed in the youtube platform
# close the text file
The youtube video i watched to get this code is: "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ob8pSr9Vxs0&ab_channel=AkshayKGowda"
The scrpit is not downloading any file even if the .txt contains valid youtube links
I made it!
So basically i modified the pafy file "backend_youtube_dl.py" as was said in the github pull request that never made it into the merge at "https://github.com/mps-youtube/pafy/pull/288/files".
changed the line 53,54
self._likes = self._ydl_info['like_count']
self._dislikes = self._ydl_info['dislike_count']
self._likes = self._ydl_info.get('like_count', 0)
self._dislikes = self._ydl_info.get('dislike_count', 0)
done this my code didn't give errors anymore and downloaded the audio files as expected.
I suppose this problem is caused by youtube removing the ability to see dislikes in all videos idk tho just my hypothesis.
Thanks to John Gordon for guiding me!