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I cannot get a smooth jump

This is my code for handling movement:

void Movement(const Uint8 *keyboardHandle)
    if (keyboardHandle[SDL_SCANCODE_SPACE] && yes == 0)
        velY = -20;
        yes = 100;

    player.posY += velY;
    player.posY += g;
    if (player.posY >= SCREEN_HEIGHT - player.width / 2)
        player.posY = SCREEN_HEIGHT - player.width / 2;

    velY = 0;

    // Timer
    if(yes <= 0)
        yes = 0;

It is basic, but all works besides the jump, it just teleport the player upwards. I tried handling the gravity before the jump, not working. I tried making a for loop to increment the Y velocity, still not working. Any ideas?


  • Solved it.

    void Movement(const Uint8 *keyboardHandle)
        if (keyboardHandle[SDL_SCANCODE_SPACE] && yes == 0)
            g = -10;
            yes = 50;
        player.posX += velX;
        player.posY += g;
        if (player.posY >= SCREEN_HEIGHT - player.width / 2)
            player.posY = SCREEN_HEIGHT - player.width / 2;
        // Jump force
        if(g >= 5)
            g = 5;
        // Jump timer
        if(yes <= 0)
            yes = 0;

    g is by default 5 which would be the gravity, and we just smoothly invert it for a jump.