for (i in stock_list)
hi guys, just have a function to download the last traded prices from the defined stock list, in this case, ideally, the function will return the last traded price of APPLE & TESLA, however, only the last traded price of APPLE is returned, pretty sure something is wrong with the way I write my function, mind giving me a hand on this? Am I missing something if I want my function to loop through the list? Thanks a lot.
As it is a for
loop, and the price
is updated in each iteration, it returns only the last one. We need to have a list
created to store the output. In addition, the arguments to the function should match.
last_price <- function(stock_list){
out <- vector('list', length(stock_list))
names(out) <- stock_list
for (stock in stock_list)
out[[stock]] <- price_last
> price_list <- last_price(stock_list)
> str(price_list)
List of 2
$ AAPL: num 142
$ TSLA: num 179
There is no need to loop as getQuote
can take a vector of values
> getQuote(stock_list)
Trade Time Last Change % Change Open High Low Volume
AAPL 2022-12-09 16:00:04 142.16 -0.4899902 -0.3434912 142.34 145.56 140.91 76097011
TSLA 2022-12-09 16:00:04 179.05 5.6100006 3.2345480 173.84 182.50 173.36 104872336
> getQuote(stock_list)$Last
[1] 142.16 179.05