If anyone knows how to create this type of animation then please help me with it.
I tried various packages from pub.dev but it's not working. Please assist me with this.
any help is appreciated
You can use the flip_board package, it offers basically flip boards, ir=t contains also a flip clock and a flip countdown clock.
example of the code you need from it:
Widget _flipCountdown(ColorScheme colors) =>
decoration: BoxDecoration(
color: colors.secondary,
borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(8.0),
padding: const EdgeInsets.all(24.0),
child: FlipCountdownClock(
duration: const Duration(minutes: 1),
digitSize: 54.0,
width: 46.0,
height: 62.0,
digitColor: colors.surface,
backgroundColor: colors.onSurface,
separatorColor: colors.onSurface,
borderColor: colors.primary,
hingeColor: colors.surface,
borderRadius: const BorderRadius.all(Radius.circular(8.0)),
onDone: () => print('Buzzzz!'),