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How to call a D-Bus interface from Qt with struct argument

I'm trying to ask polkit for authorization but I can't seem to find out how to provide a struct as an argument.

QDBusArgument subject;
subject << "unix-process";
subject << QMap<QString, QVariant>{
    {"pid", static_cast<uint32_t>(QCoreApplication::applicationPid())},
    {"start-time", static_cast<uint64_t>(0)},

QDBusInterface polkit("org.freedesktop.PolicyKit1", "/org/freedesktop/PolicyKit1/Authority", "org.freedesktop.PolicyKit1.Authority");
auto result = polkit.callWithArgumentList(
      // how to provide the subject here?

The QDBusArgument shows what the argument should look like and I somehow need to translate this to a format that can be used in callWithArgumentList.

FreeDesktop specifies the struct as such:

  String               subject_kind,
  Dict<String,Variant> subject_details

More specifically, I'm trying to replace this with a dbus call:

// checkProcess is *QProcess
checkProcess->start("pkcheck", {


  • I'm not too familiar with D-Bus or its Qt interface, but I do happen to have a linux system I could test this on. It seems that you were already well on your way, I was able to get a response from the polkit service after some small adjustments:

    #include <QtDBus>
    int main() {
        // Not all Qt types are compatible with the D-Bus interface by default:
        // QMap<QString, QVariant> is, but QMap<QString, QString> is not.
        // If you need such a type, even if only to pass an empty
        // Dict<String, String>, it must first be registered like so:
        qDBusRegisterMetaType<QMap<QString, QString>>();
        // Subject kind should be provided as a QString, integers as Qt types
        QDBusArgument subject;
        subject << QString("unix-process");
        subject << QMap<QString, QVariant>{
            {"pid", static_cast<quint32>(QCoreApplication::applicationPid())},
            {"start-time", static_cast<quint64>(0)},
        // PolicyKit1 is on the system bus
        QDBusInterface polkit(
        // callWithArgumentList only takes actual QVariantLists as the arguments,
        // call is a more convenient variadic function template 
        auto result =
            QVariant::fromValue(QMap<QString, QString>{}),
            0x1u, // AllowUserInteraction = 0x00000001
        qInfo() << result;

    This resulted in the following output:

    QDBusMessage(type=MethodReturn, service=":1.1", signature="(bba{ss})", contents=([Argument: (bba{ss}) false, true, [Argument: a{ss} {"polkit.retains_authorization_after_challenge" = "1"}]]) )

    Some further remarks:

    • Types registered with the D-Bus type system must be convertible to and from QDBusArgument by the << and >> operators, which is why you can run into issues when using those with non-Qt types. You can implement these operators for other types to allow registering them;
    • Types passed to a D-Bus call must be implicitly convertible to QVariant. If they are not, you can convert them explicitly using QVariant::fromValue().

    Once these requirements are met, you should be able to get meaningful output from D-Bus, even if you pass the wrong arguments. For example, leaving out the last string argument to CheckAuthorization leads to an InvalidArgs error response with the message

    Type of message, “((sa{sv})sa{ss}u)”, does not match expected type “((sa{sv})sa{ss}us)”

    The string encodes the expected types

            Dict<String, Variant>
        Dict<String, String>,