Search code examples

Filter rows by other rows with shared columns in KQL

I have a table with 3 columns

Group Type Index
A Short 1
A Short 2
A Long 3
A Short 4
B Short 1

I want to query and group extract all the rows of that group, but exclude rows with same type and that the index-1 is also exists. For example, if I query Group1, I want to get:

Group Type Index
A Short 1
A Long 3
A Short 4

Here we removed the Type1 Index 2 since index 1 already exists with same type.

I tried this query:

| where Group == "A"
| expend OutterType = Type
| where (Index-1) !in((
    | where Group == "A" and OutterType == Type
    | project Index))

But it says that OutterType doesn't exist in the context of the inner query.

How can filter those rows?


  • let t = datatable(Group:string, Type:string, Index:int)
       ,"A" ,"Short" ,1
       ,"A" ,"Short" ,2
       ,"A" ,"Long"  ,3
       ,"A" ,"Short" ,4
       ,"B" ,"Short" ,1
    | join kind=leftanti (t | extend Index = Index + 1) on Group, Type, Index
    Group Type Index
    B Short 1
    A Short 1
    A Short 4
    A Long 3
