I'm new to telethon, and I'm trying to make a GUI for my application using python.
The problem is when I run this code:
from telethon import TelegramClient
id = ******
hash = *******
client = TelegramClient("test",id,hash)
it automatically runs a terminal login, so I can't actually use that in a GUI.
I also saw :
I don't really understand how to get the confirmation code at the first place.
How to do a telethon login using GUI?
Don't use client.start()
client = TelegramClient(f"session", api_id, api_hash)
await client.connect()
#phone = <User phone number>
# This will send the code to the user. You have to get it using the front end
phone_code = await client.send_code_request(phone)
phone_code_hash = phone_code.phone_code_hash
#code = <Code from the user>
await client.sign_in(phone, code=code, phone_code_hash=phone_code_hash)
this will log you in without using the terminal.