I used the backend to obtain the Access Token, and connect (auto-create) to a room like this -
room = await Video.connect(accessToken, {
video: true,
audio: true,
name: "Room1",
I looked at ConnectOptions and I don't see anywhere that I can set the maxParticipantDuration for the room. Does anyone know where to set this? I know this can be set if the room is created using Rest API. Is this option not available if using the JavaScript SDK?
No option in JavaScript SDK for the maximum Participant duration
From the manual
If you wish to configure the maximum Participant duration for you Video Rooms, you can do so in two ways: via the Twilio REST API, or via the Twilio Console.
// Download the helper library from https://www.twilio.com/docs/node/install
// Find your Account SID and Auth Token at twilio.com/console
// and set the environment variables. See http://twil.io/secure
const accountSid = process.env.TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID;
const authToken = process.env.TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN;
const client = require('twilio')(accountSid, authToken);
maxParticipantDuration: 86400,
uniqueName: 'My Video Room'
.then(room => console.log(room.sid));
So no option for maximum Participant duration
in ConnectOptions
here from JavaScript SDK
export interface ConnectOptions {
audio?: boolean | CreateLocalTrackOptions| CreateLocalAudioTrackOptions;
automaticSubscription?: boolean;
bandwidthProfile?: BandwidthProfileOptions;
dominantSpeaker?: boolean;
* @deprecated use enableDscp
dscpTagging?: boolean;
enableDscp?: boolean;
* @deprecated use Video.Logger
loggerName?: string;
eventListener?: EventListener;
iceServers?: Array<RTCIceServer>;
iceTransportPolicy?: RTCIceTransportPolicy;
insights?: boolean;
maxAudioBitrate?: number | null;
maxVideoBitrate?: number | null;
name?: string | null;
networkQuality?: boolean | NetworkQualityConfiguration;
notifyWarnings?: Array<NotifyWarning>;
region?: string;
preferredAudioCodecs?: Array<AudioCodec | AudioCodecSettings | OpusCodecSettings>;
preferredVideoCodecs?: Array<VideoCodec | VideoCodecSettings | VP8CodecSettings> | VideoEncodingMode;
* @deprecated use Video.Logger.
logLevel?: LogLevel | LogLevels;
tracks?: Array<LocalTrack | MediaStreamTrack>;
video?: boolean | CreateLocalTrackOptions;