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Convert Json to data class kotlin

Im a newcomer into android development world. Im using retrofit and coroutines. Trying convert the next json object into a data class. `

        "name": {
            "common": "Peru",
            "official": "Republic of Peru",
            "nativeName": {
                "aym": {
                    "official": "Piruw Suyu",
                    "common": "Piruw"
                "que": {
                    "official": "Piruw Ripuwlika",
                    "common": "Piruw"
                "spa": {
                    "official": "República del Perú",
                    "common": "Perú"
        "tld": [
        "cca2": "PE",
        "ccn3": "604",
        "cca3": "PER",
        "cioc": "PER",
        "independent": true,
        "status": "officially-assigned",
        "unMember": true,
        "currencies": {
            "PEN": {
                "name": "Peruvian sol",
                "symbol": "S/ "
        "idd": {
            "root": "+5",
            "suffixes": [
        "capital": [
        "altSpellings": [
            "Republic of Peru",
            "República del Perú"
        "region": "Americas",
        "subregion": "South America",
        "languages": {
            "aym": "Aymara",
            "que": "Quechua",
            "spa": "Spanish"
        "latlng": [
        "landlocked": false,
        "borders": [
        "area": 1285216.0,
        "demonyms": {
            "eng": {
                "f": "Peruvian",
                "m": "Peruvian"
            "fra": {
                "f": "Péruvienne",
                "m": "Péruvien"
        "population": 32971846,
        "timezones": [
        "continents": [
            "South America"
        "flags": {
            "png": "",
            "svg": ""
        "capitalInfo": {
            "latlng": [

Im facing this problem: Some of the atributes change depending on the country, for Peru case lenguages json object has three items and currencies json has a PEN Item but as you can see

        "name": {
            "common": "Germany",
            "official": "Federal Republic of Germany",
            "nativeName": {
                "deu": {
                    "official": "Bundesrepublik Deutschland",
                    "common": "Deutschland"
        "tld": [
        "cca2": "DE",
        "ccn3": "276",
        "cca3": "DEU",
        "cioc": "GER",
        "independent": true,
        "status": "officially-assigned",
        "unMember": true,
        "currencies": {
            "EUR": {
                "name": "Euro",
                "symbol": "€"
        "idd": {
            "root": "+4",
            "suffixes": [
        "capital": [
        "altSpellings": [
            "Federal Republic of Germany",
            "Bundesrepublik Deutschland"
        "region": "Europe",
        "subregion": "Western Europe",
       "languages": {
            "deu": "German"
        "latlng": [
        "landlocked": false,
        "borders": [
        "area": 357114.0,
        "demonyms": {
            "eng": {
                "f": "German",
                "m": "German"
            "fra": {
                "f": "Allemande",
                "m": "Allemand"
        "flag": "🇩🇪",
        "maps": {
            "googleMaps": "",
            "openStreetMaps": ""
        "population": 83240525,
        "timezones": [
        "continents": [
        "flags": {
            "png": "",
            "svg": ""
        "capitalInfo": {
            "latlng": [


In the german case, lengagues json just has one item and currencies json has an EUR item. You can also see that name json changes. How should I do that convertion to data class using kotlin?

Ive tried to search for solutions but havent really found anything that fits my case.


  • You need to create data classes like this:

    data class Name(
        val common: String,
        val official: String,
        val nativeName: Map<String, NativeName>,
    data class NativeName(
        val official: String,
        val common: String,

    Also currensies in base data class will be like this:

    val currencies: Map<String, Currency>

    And class Currency should look like this:

    data class Currency(
        val name: String,
        val symbol: String,