I am using SuccessMessageMixin on a CreateView and DeleteView.
In the CreateView, I can send the book title to the success_message, like so:
success_message = "%(title)s added successfully"
Which correctly flashes "Great Expectations added successfully" on the success url.
But in DeleteView, I can't access the title. I can send a generic message saying "book deleted", but I can't send a message saying "Great Expectations has been deleted".
Is there a way that I can pass info about what's being deleted to the success_message?
The reason this does not work is because a DeleteView
works with an empty form, so without cleaned data.
You can override get_success_message
and work with:
from django.contrib.messages.views import SuccessMessageMixin
from django.views.generic import DeleteView
class MyDeleteView(SuccessMessageMixin, DeleteView):
model = Book
def get_success_message(self, cleaned_data):
return f'{self.object.title} has been deleted'