I am trying to create upsert logic in neo4j. I need to upsert two nodes and connect the two nodes with a relationship.
If there is an existing relationship that shares 3 specific properties, e1_id
, e2_id
, and model
, then I need to completely overwrite that relationship with new data and possibly a new type.
For example, I have tried this:
MERGE (snapchat:ORG{name:'ORG_snapchat'})
MERGE (xbox:ORG{name:'ORG_xbox'})
MERGE (xbox)-[edge:{e1_id:'111', e2_id:'222', model:'TEST'}]->(snapchat)
SET edge:OPPO{e1_id:'111', e2_id:'222', url:'test.com', date:'2022-09-09', model:'TEST', context:'THIS IS A TEST'}
SET edge:OPPO{e1_id:'111', e2_id:'222', url:'test.com', date:'2022-09-09', model:'TEST', context:'THIS IS A TEST'};
However, this yields:
Invalid input '{': expected an identifier (line 4, column 20 (offset: 150))
"MERGE (xbox)-[edge:{e1_id:'222_xbox_test', e2_id:'111_snapchat_test', model:'TEST'}]->(snapchat)"
Because it is expecting me to specify an edge type before it can merge. I'm not sure what to do here.
Should I just write a query that deletes any matching edge and then creates a new edge?
Any help is appreciated, thanks.
Edge has only exactly a single type. When you create it with MERGE you have to define it. Therefore -
Should I just write a query that deletes any matching edge and then creates a new edge?
Yes, if you can simply delete an existing edge than yes. Do that. Make sure to use an OPTIONAL MATCH
, so that it works even if there is not existing edge.