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How to get another table from the same sql data source without having to type the server name and database name again?

In power bi, how do I get another table from the same sql data source without having to type the server name and database name again?

Sorry if this is a very silly question, I am a beginner on this tool.

Let's say I already loaded one table from the database. Now I realize I need another table. I click the SQL server in the data section of the toolbar/ribbon:

enter image description here

When I do that I am again presented with this prompt asking me for the server name and database name again, when I already have this data source defined and connected. Why not a simple dropdown list? How do I simply pick a connection that I already added and browse the tables again?

enter image description here

Thank you.


  • Click Recent Sources right next to it. Alternatively, copy an existing query and delete all but the first couple of steps.