I'm wondering if there is an easy way to create SplStack
from an array. Sure I can write a simple function that will do that:
function stackFromArray(array $array): SplStack
$stack = new SplStack();
foreach ($array as $item) {
return $stack;
However, I don't like this approach, because I have to iterate over the array and push items one by one. Is there a way to create a stack directly from the array?
The documentation doesn't suggest any method to use, nor does it specify that the constructor can be used through the SplDoublyLinkedList.
Since, really, all the SplStack is just a SplDoublyLinkedList wrapper, you could easily create a Facade to achieve this.
Create a simple interface for future extendability and testability:
interface SplStackFacadeInterface
public static function fromArray(array $arr);
Extend the SplStack
functionality for coupling.
class SplStackFacade extends SplStack implements SplStackFacadeInterface
public static function fromArray(array $arr): SplStack
$splStack = new self();
array_map([$splStack, 'push'], $arr);
return $splStack;
Then just use it like so:
$stack = SplStackFacade::fromArray([1, 2, 3, 4]);
See it working over at 3v4l.org