How to know the status of monitor is on or off in python?
I would like to receive a beep notification every 50 minutes of every hour like this:
import datetime
import time
import winsound
frequency = 2500 # Set Frequency To 2500 Hertz
duration = 200 # Set Duration To 1000 ms == 1 second
while True:
# If the monitor is Black by sleep mode
if ???:
now =
if now.minute == 50:
winsound.Beep(frequency, duration)
However, I don't want to receive a beep notification when the monitor is off because the monitor is on when I'm working, and the monitor is off because it's in power saving mode when I'm not.
But I don't know how to tell if the monitor is on or off.
How can I know the status of my monitor?
best regards!
I Solved like this
import time
from datetime import datetime
import win32api
import winsound
frequency = 1500
duration = 100
def getIdleTime():
return (win32api.GetTickCount() - win32api.GetLastInputInfo()) / 1000.0
while True:
now =
if getIdleTime() > 3600:
elif now.minute == 50:
winsound.Beep(frequency, duration)
As stated in this old answer there is no reliable way to check the status of a monitor. But i think you don't have to rely on monitor state. Check inactivity time is a better approach.