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Unity Interception in Derived Class

I've got a situation where policy injection no longer works when I'm using a derived class.

The classes involved look like this (basically an interface, an abstract base class, and an implementation class):

public interface IRepository<T>
    void Create(T iItem);

public abstract class ElmtRepository<T> : IRepository<T>
    protected List<T> Items { get; set; }

    public ElmtRepository()
        Items = new List<T>();

    public void Create(T iItem)

public class AcctPgmRepository : ElmtRepository<AcctPgm>

The configuration looks like this:

    <extension type="Interception"/>
    <register type="IRepository[AcctPgm]" mapTo="AcctPgmRepository">
      <interceptor type="InterfaceInterceptor"/>
      <interceptionBehavior type="PolicyInjectionBehavior"/>
      <policy name="policy-create">
        <matchingRule name="create-rule1" type="TypeMatchingRule">
            <param name="typeName">
              <value value="AcctPgmRepository"/>
        <matchingRule name="create-rule2" type="MemberNameMatchingRule">
            <param name="namesToMatch">
              <array type="string[]">
                <value value="Create"/>
        <callHandler name="create-handler1" type="AcctPgmAuthorizationHandler">
          <lifetime type="singleton"/>
            <param name="allowedRoles">
              <array type="string[]">
                <value value="GroupController"/>

If I remove the ElmtRepository base class, it works as expected. With the base class, the injection doesn't happen. No error messages, but no policies either. This happens even if I implement the Create() method in the derived class.

Is there a way to make this sort of class hierarchy work with Unity policy injection?

Thanks, Jim


  • This kind of class inheritance Unity usually does without a problem. However configuring generics is endless headaches with poor error messages. I bet that’s your real problem. However since you didn’t post your error message (or the AcctPgm class, or the AcctPgmAuthorizationHandler) I can’t be sure.

    I changed the contained type to int and got this version of your code working:

    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting;
    using Microsoft.Practices.Unity.InterceptionExtension;
    using Microsoft.Practices.Unity;
    using Microsoft.Practices.Unity.Configuration;
    namespace UnityTest
        public interface IRepository<T>
            void Create(T iItem);
        public abstract class ElmtRepository<T> : IRepository<T>
            protected List<T> Items { get; set; }
            public ElmtRepository()
                Items = new List<T>();
            public void Create(T iItem)
        public class AcctPgmRepository : ElmtRepository<int> { }
        public class LogHandler : ICallHandler
            public IMethodReturn Invoke(IMethodInvocation input, GetNextHandlerDelegate getNext)
                IMethodReturn result = getNext().Invoke(input, getNext);
                return result;
            public int Order { get; set; }
        public class InheritenceGenericsTests
            public void CreateTest()
                IUnityContainer container = new UnityContainer().LoadConfiguration("Inheritence");
                IRepository<int> r2 = container.Resolve<IRepository<int>>();

    with config:

    <alias alias="IRepository" type="UnityTest.IRepository`1, UnityTest"/>
    <alias alias="IRepositoryClosed" type="UnityTest.IRepository`1[System.Int32], UnityTest"/>
    <alias alias="AcctPgmRepository" type="UnityTest.AcctPgmRepository, UnityTest"/>
    <container name="Inheritence">
      <extension type="Interception"/>
      <!-- register either type="IRepositoryClosed" or type="IRepository" -->
      <register type="IRepositoryClosed" mapTo="AcctPgmRepository">
        <interceptor type="InterfaceInterceptor"/>
        <policy name="policy-create">
          <matchingRule name="create-rule2" type="MemberNameMatchingRule">
              <param name="namesToMatch">
                <array type="string[]">
                  <value value="Create"/>
          <callHandler name="create-handler1" type="UnityTest.LogHandler, UnityTest"></callHandler>

    Gives output:
