I am working on a project with Celery Beat and Worker in Kubernetes.
I ran a project with this config.
app = Celery('celery-worker',
And the run command is:
celery -A app worker -B -l INFO
After running it, the Celery Beat log shows a lot of lines:
backup_poller.cc:138] Run client channel backup poller: UNKNOWN:pollset_work {created_time:"2022-12-10T15:25:01.080085021+03:30", children:[UNKNOWN:Bad file descriptor {created_time:"2022-12-10T15:25:01.080072267+03:30", errno:9, os_error:"Bad file descriptor", syscall:"epoll_wait"}]}
After looking for some solutions, I changed the pool option in the Celery run command into --pool=gevent
, but that did not work either.
how can I solve the problem?
Based on Document, For production environment, you need to start celery beat separately. So you need separate pods for Beat and Worker and use --pool only for Worker pod.
celery -A app beat -l INFO
celery -A app worker -l INFO --pool=gevent -c 1