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Separating Variable Declarations from a Blazor page into a Class in Data repository in a Blazor WebAssembly App

I am trying to write a single page webpage using Blazor WebAssessmbly in .Net6. In my blazor "@code" section, I declared variables as following. `

// lists of all cards from 3 fields
    public List<Card> KingCards = new List<Card>();
    public List<Card> QueenCards = new List<Card>();
    public List<Card> TressCards = new List<Card>();

    // lists of different graph paths
    public List<string> KingGraphs = new List<string>();
    public List<string> QueenGraphs = new List<string>();
    public List<string> TressGraphs = new List<string>();
    public List<string> MinorPatterns = new List<string>() { "Cups", "Pentacles", "Swords", "Wands" };

    // list of degrees rotated
    protected List<string> RotateDegrees = new List<string>() { "0deg", "180deg" };

    // variables to control only choosing one card from each field
    protected bool KingChosen, QueenChosen, TressChosen = false;

    // whether a card is being flipped
    public bool flipping = false;


How can I remove these declarations into a class in Project.Data section apart from the razor file, but still gain access to these variables from the razor page?

I am new to Blazor and I have tried to just create a class and move these declarations into the class under my Project's Data repository, but it didn't work...

Can anyone help me with this issue? Thanks!


  • There are two ways:

    1. Declaring class as partial(the file created should be called by standar (componentName).razor.cs

    Declaring class as partial with the same name as the component:

    In this case you are declaring that this file contains the logic of that component, so it cant be reused by other component

    public partial class componentName
            public class Card { public string id; }
            public List<Card> KingCards = new List<Card>();
            public List<Card> QueenCards = new List<Card>();
            public List<Card> TressCards = new List<Card>();
            // lists of different graph paths
            public List<string> KingGraphs = new List<string>();
            public List<string> QueenGraphs = new List<string>();
            public List<string> TressGraphs = new List<string>();
            public List<string> MinorPatterns = new List<string>() { "Cups", "Pentacles", "Swords", "Wands" };
            // list of degrees rotated
            protected List<string> RotateDegrees = new List<string>() { "0deg", "180deg" };
            // variables to control only choosing one card from each field
            protected bool KingChosen, QueenChosen, TressChosen = false;
            // whether a card is being flipped
            public bool flipping = false;
    1. Inherit from cs file

    If you want to reuse that class for other component you can do the following .razor file:

    @page "/"
    @inherits YourClassName
    @*thing you want here*@

    In your .cs file you have to inherit from ComponentBase , this way:

    using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components;
    namespace BlazorApp1.Pages
        public  class YourClassName : ComponentBase
            public class Card { public string id; }
            public List<Card> KingCards = new List<Card>();
            public List<Card> QueenCards = new List<Card>();
            public List<Card> TressCards = new List<Card>();
            // lists of different graph paths
            public List<string> KingGraphs = new List<string>();
            public List<string> QueenGraphs = new List<string>();
            public List<string> TressGraphs = new List<string>();
            public List<string> MinorPatterns = new List<string>() { "Cups", "Pentacles", "Swords", "Wands" };
            // list of degrees rotated
            protected List<string> RotateDegrees = new List<string>() { "0deg", "180deg" };
            // variables to control only choosing one card from each field
            protected bool KingChosen, QueenChosen, TressChosen = false;
            // whether a card is being flipped
            public bool flipping = false;