I've tried to implement a Matlab script by Lindner (2012) in Python. However, the final result D
in my Python script diverges from the results which I am able to generate in an online Matlab environment (see pictures below). I ran rand('twister', 1337)
in both scripts to make random numbers predictable.
Up until the last step Gram-Schmidt algorithm
everything appears to work correctly (the variables' values are the same as far as I can see). However, D
is different. Can anyone spot my mistake?
Lindner, Sören, Julien Legault, and Dabo Guan. 2012. ‘Disaggregating Input–Output Models with Incomplete Information’. Economic Systems Research 24 (4): 329–47. https://doi.org/10.1080/09535314.2012.689954.
The Matlab script is available via: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/suppl/10.1080/09535314.2012.689954
Matlab output (first rows and cols) - authoritative:
Diverging Python output (first rows and cols):
"""Implementation of Lindner (2012) in Python with NumPy and Pandas.
Lindner, Sören, Julien Legault, and Dabo Guan. 2012.
‘Disaggregating Input–Output Models with Incomplete Information’.
Economic Systems Research 24 (4): 329–47.
The comments in this script contain the Matlab code given in the supplementary
material 'cesr_a_689954_sup_27358897.docx' of Lindner (2012).
Source (accessed 06.12.2022):
The script contains one aspect of randomness. A random vector is
generated in line 90 of the Matlab script: `base(p,:) = rand(1,Nv)`. For verification purposes, `np.random.seed(1337)` (Python) and `rand('twister', 1337)` (Matlab) was applied.
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from tqdm import tqdm
if True:
# Switch flag for verification
# Matlab equivalent: `rand('twister', 1337)`
# Source: https://stackoverflow.com/a/20202330/5696601
# %% Loading data
# load('IOT_China.mat'); %Loading China's IO table
flows = pd.read_csv(
# Input–output table of China (2007), in billion RMB
flows_idx = pd.read_csv(
flows.columns = pd.MultiIndex.from_frame(flows_idx)
flows.index = pd.MultiIndex.from_frame(flows_idx.iloc[:12, :])
# f = IOT_national(:,end-1); %Vector of final demand
f = flows.loc[:, ('Final demand', 'FD')]
# id = IOT_national(:,end-2); %Vector of intermediate demand
id = flows.loc[:, ('Intermediate demand', 'ID')]
# x = IOT_national(:,end); %Vector of total outputs
x = f + id
# Z = IOT_national(:,1:end-3); %Exchange matrix
Z = flows.loc[
# Rows
# Cols
.isin(['ID', 'FD', 'TO']))
del flows_idx
# temp = size(Z); %Size of IO table
temp = Z.shape
# N = temp(1)-1; %Number of common sectors
N = temp[0] - 1
# A = Z./repmat(transpose(x),N+1,1); %Aggregated technical coefficient matrix
A = np.divide(Z, x)
# x_common = x(1:end-1); %Vector of total outputs for common sectors
x_common = x[:-1]
# f_common = f(1:end-1); %Vector of final demand for common sectors
f_common = f[:-1]
# Note: The last sector of the table is disaggregated,
# i.e. the electricity sector
# x_elec = x(end); %Total output of the disaggregated sector
x_elec = x[-1]
# f_elec = f(end); %Final demand of the disaggregated sector
f_elec = f[-1]
# %% Newly formed sectors from the electricity sector
# n = 3; %Number of new sectors
# w = [0.241;0.648;0.111]; %New sector weights
w = pd.read_csv(
w = w.values.flatten()
w_idx = pd.read_csv(
n = len(w)
# N_tot = N + n; %Total number of sectors for the disaggregated IO table
N_tot = N + n
# x_new = w.*x_elec; %Vector of new total sector outputs
x_new = w*x_elec/1000
# xs = [x_common;x_new]; %Vector of disaggregated economy sector total outputs
xs = np.concatenate((x_common, x_new))
# f_new = w*f_elec; %Final demand of new sectors
f_new = w*f_elec
# %% Building the constraint matrix C
# Nv = n*N_tot + n; %Number of variables
Nv = n * N_tot + n
# Nc = N + n + 1; %Number of constraints
Nc = N + n + 1
# q = [transpose(A(N+1,:));w]; %Vector of constraint constants
q = pd.concat(
[A.iloc[N, :],
pd.Series(w, index=pd.MultiIndex.from_frame(w_idx))]
# C = zeros(Nc,Nv); %Matrix of constraints
C = np.zeros((Nc, Nv))
# %% Common sectors constraints
# C11 = zeros(N,N*n);
# for ii = 1:N
# col_indices = n*(ii-1)+1:n*ii;
# C11(ii,col_indices) = ones(1,n);
# end
# C(1:N,1:N*n) = C11;
C11 = np.zeros((N, N*n))
for ii in range(N):
col_indices = range(n*(ii), n*ii+n)
C11[ii, col_indices] = np.ones((1, n))
C[:N, :N*n] = C11
# %% New sectors constraints
# C22 = zeros(1,n^2);
# for ii = 1:n
# col_indices = n*(ii-1)+1:n*ii;
# C22(1,col_indices) = w(ii)*ones(1,n);
# end
# C(N+1,N*n+1:N*n+n^2) = C22;
C22 = np.zeros((1, n**2))
for ii in range(0, n):
col_indices = range(n*(ii), n*ii+n)
C22[0, col_indices] = w[ii]*np.ones((1, n))
C[N, N*n:N*n+n**2] = C22
# %% Final demand constraints
# C31 = zeros(n,N*n);
# for ii = 1:N
# col_indices = n*(ii-1)+1:n*ii;
# C31(1:n,col_indices) = (x_common(ii)/x_elec)*eye(n,n);
# end
# C32 = zeros(n,n^2);
# for ii = 1:n
# col_indices = n*(ii-1)+1:n*ii;
# C32(1:n,col_indices) = w(ii)*eye(n,n);
# end
# C(N+2:end,1:N*n) = C31;
# C(N+2:end,N*n+1:N*n+n^2) = C32;
# C(N+2:end,N*n+n^2+1:end) = eye(n,n);
C31 = np.zeros((n, N*n))
for ii in range(N):
col_indices = range(n*(ii-1)+3, n*ii+3)
C31[:n, col_indices] = (x_common[ii]/x_elec)*np.eye(n)
C32 = np.zeros((n, n**2))
for ii in range(0, n):
col_indices = range(n*(ii-1)+3, n*ii+3)
C32[:n, col_indices] = w[ii]*np.eye(n)
C[N+1:, :N*n] = C31
C[N+1:, N*n:N*n+n**2] = C32
C[N+1:, N*n+n**2:] = np.eye(n)
# %% Building the initial estimate y0
# Technical coefficient matrix of the initial estimate
# As_y0 = zeros(N_tot,N_tot);
# As_y0(1:N,1:N) = A(1:N,1:N); %Common/Common part
# As_y0(1:N,N+1:N_tot) = repmat(A(1:N,N+1),1,n); %Common/New part
# As_y0(N+1:N_tot,1:N) = w*A(N+1,1:N); %New/Common part
# As_y0(N+1:N_tot,N+1:N_tot) = A(N+1,N+1)*repmat(w,1,n); %New/New part
As_y0 = np.zeros((N_tot, N_tot))
As_y0[:N, :N] = A.iloc[:N, :N]
As_y0[:N, N:N_tot] = np.repeat(A.iloc[:N, N].to_numpy(), n).reshape(N, n)
As_y0[N:N_tot, :N] = (
np.multiply(w, A.iloc[N, :N].to_numpy().repeat(n).reshape(N, n)).T
As_y0[N:N_tot, N:N_tot] = np.multiply(
A.iloc[N, N],
np.repeat(w, n).reshape(n, n)
# %% Generating the orthogonal distinguishing matrix
# %%% Making the constraint matrix orthogonal
# C_orth = C;
# for c = 1:Nc
# for i = 1:c-1
# C_orth(c,:) = C_orth(c,:) - dot(C_orth(c,:),C_orth(i,:))/norm(C_orth(i,:))^2*C_orth(i,:); %Orthogonal projection
# end
# end
C_orth = C.copy()
for c in tqdm(range(Nc), desc='Orthogonalize constraint matrix'):
for i in range(c):
C_orth[c, :] = (
C_orth[c, :]
- np.dot(C_orth[c, :], C_orth[i, :])
/ np.linalg.norm(C_orth[i, :])**2 * C_orth[i, :]
# %%% Gram-Schmidt algorithm
# base = zeros(Nv,Nv); %Orthogonal base containing C_orth and D
# base(1:Nc,:) = C_orth;
# for p = Nc+1:Nv
# base(p,:) = rand(1,Nv); %Generate random vector
# for i=1:p-1
# base(p,:) = base(p,:) - dot(base(p,:),base(i,:))/norm(base(i,:))^2*base(i,:); %Orthogonal projection on previous vectors
# end
# base(p,:) = base(p,:)/norm(base(p,:)); %Normalizing
# end
# D = transpose(base(Nc+1:end,:)); %Retrieving the distinguishing matrix from the orthogonal base
base = np.zeros((Nv, Nv))
base[:Nc, :] = C_orth.copy()
for p in tqdm(range(Nc, Nv), desc='Gram-Schmidt algorithm'):
base[p, :] = np.random.rand(1, Nv)
for i in range(p-1):
base[p, :] = (
base[p, :]
- np.dot(base[p, :], base[i, :])
/ np.linalg.norm(base[i, :])**2 * base[i, :]
base[p, :] = base[p, :] / np.linalg.norm(base[p, :])
D = base[Nc:, :].T
Coal minin and processing,CmP
Petroleaum processing and natural gas products,Pp
Food manufacturing and tobacco products,Fm
Petroleaum processing and coking,Ppc
Metal smelting and pressing,Msp
Machinery and equipment,M+e
Gas production and distribution,Gp+d
Transport and warehousing,T+w
Electricity production and distribution,Ep+d
Intermediate demand,ID
Final demand,FD
Total output,TO
Hydro-electricity and others,Hy
Subcritical coal,SubC
Other fossil fuels,OFF
There are some minor issues with your Gram-Schmidt algorithm from above. Note I only checked that as you mentioned:
Up until the last step Gram-Schmidt algorithm everything appears to work correctly (the variables' values are the same as far as I can see). However, D is different.
First off, in your outer for
loop, you run from Nc -> Nv
which means that the random vector in the pth
row of your base won't be orthogonalized - the Matlab scripts also runs Nc+1:Nv
Secondly, (you got it with for-loops): You may run from 0
to p
as the projection of the pth
vector on the ith
vector is the same (no matter if i is between 0 and p-1 or 1 and p-1).
Furthermore, I shortened to code by adding some syntactic sugar (-=
and /=
) - but besides this, your Gram-Schmidt implementation is the same as proposed in the Lidner 2012 paper.
# Orth. base containing both C_orth and D
base = np.zeros((Nv, Nv))
# C_orth is placed in the first :Nc rows of the base from above (c.f. Matlab code)
base[:Nc, :] = C_orth.copy()
# Generate random vectors for remaining rows
for p in range(Nc+1, Nv):
# Random vector
base[p, :] = np.random.rand(1, Nv)
# Orthogonal projection on previous vectors
for i in range(p):
# Subtract the projection of the pth vector on the ith vector
# from the pth vector - as described in the Paper by:
# base(p,:) = base(p,:)
# - dot(base(p,:),base(i,:))/norm(base(i,:))^2*base(i,:);
# Besides the syntax, it's the exact replication!
base[p, :] -= np.dot(base[p, :], base[i, :]) / np.linalg.norm(base[i, :])**2 * base[i, :]
# Normalize vector
base[p, :] /= np.linalg.norm(base[p, :])
# Retrieve matrix from the orthogonal base
D = base[Nc:, :].T
One thing I'd like to mention as to why your results may also differ: You might be using a different random number generator than in the paper -> You generate different random vectors!