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Unable to reproduce Matlab-based results in Python

I've tried to implement a Matlab script by Lindner (2012) in Python. However, the final result D in my Python script diverges from the results which I am able to generate in an online Matlab environment (see pictures below). I ran rand('twister', 1337) in both scripts to make random numbers predictable.

Up until the last step Gram-Schmidt algorithm everything appears to work correctly (the variables' values are the same as far as I can see). However, D is different. Can anyone spot my mistake?

Lindner, Sören, Julien Legault, and Dabo Guan. 2012. ‘Disaggregating Input–Output Models with Incomplete Information’. Economic Systems Research 24 (4): 329–47.

The Matlab script is available via:

Matlab output (first rows and cols) - authoritative:

enter image description here

Diverging Python output (first rows and cols):

enter image description here

"""Implementation of Lindner (2012) in Python with NumPy and Pandas.

Lindner, Sören, Julien Legault, and Dabo Guan. 2012.
‘Disaggregating Input–Output Models with Incomplete Information’.
Economic Systems Research 24 (4): 329–47.

The comments in this script contain the Matlab code given in the supplementary
material 'cesr_a_689954_sup_27358897.docx' of Lindner (2012).

Source (accessed 06.12.2022):

The script contains one aspect of randomness. A random vector is
generated in line 90 of the Matlab script: `base(p,:) = rand(1,Nv)`. For verification purposes, `np.random.seed(1337)` (Python) and `rand('twister', 1337)` (Matlab) was applied.


import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from tqdm import tqdm

if True:

    # Switch flag for verification
    # Matlab equivalent: `rand('twister', 1337)`
    # Source:


# %% Loading data

# load('IOT_China.mat'); %Loading China's IO table

flows = pd.read_csv(
    # Input–output table of China (2007), in billion RMB

flows_idx = pd.read_csv(

flows.columns = pd.MultiIndex.from_frame(flows_idx)
flows.index = pd.MultiIndex.from_frame(flows_idx.iloc[:12, :])

# f = IOT_national(:,end-1); %Vector of final demand
f = flows.loc[:, ('Final demand', 'FD')]

# id = IOT_national(:,end-2); %Vector of intermediate demand
id = flows.loc[:, ('Intermediate demand', 'ID')]

# x = IOT_national(:,end); %Vector of total outputs
x = f + id

# Z = IOT_national(:,1:end-3); %Exchange matrix
Z = flows.loc[
    # Rows
    # Cols
     .isin(['ID', 'FD', 'TO']))

del flows_idx

# temp = size(Z); %Size of IO table
temp = Z.shape

# N = temp(1)-1; %Number of common sectors
N = temp[0] - 1

# A = Z./repmat(transpose(x),N+1,1); %Aggregated technical coefficient matrix
A = np.divide(Z, x)

# x_common = x(1:end-1); %Vector of total outputs for common sectors
x_common = x[:-1]

# f_common = f(1:end-1); %Vector of final demand for common sectors
f_common = f[:-1]

# Note: The last sector of the table is disaggregated,
# i.e. the electricity sector

# x_elec = x(end); %Total output of the disaggregated sector
x_elec = x[-1]

# f_elec = f(end); %Final demand of the disaggregated sector
f_elec = f[-1]

# %% Newly formed sectors from the electricity sector
# n = 3; %Number of new sectors
# w = [0.241;0.648;0.111]; %New sector weights

w = pd.read_csv(

w = w.values.flatten()

w_idx = pd.read_csv(

n = len(w)

# N_tot = N + n; %Total number of sectors for the disaggregated IO table
N_tot = N + n

# x_new = w.*x_elec; %Vector of new total sector outputs
x_new = w*x_elec/1000

# xs = [x_common;x_new]; %Vector of disaggregated economy sector total outputs
xs = np.concatenate((x_common, x_new))

# f_new = w*f_elec; %Final demand of new sectors
f_new = w*f_elec

# %% Building the constraint matrix C

# Nv = n*N_tot + n; %Number of variables
Nv = n * N_tot + n

# Nc = N + n + 1; %Number of constraints
Nc = N + n + 1

# q = [transpose(A(N+1,:));w]; %Vector of constraint constants
q = pd.concat(
    [A.iloc[N, :],
     pd.Series(w, index=pd.MultiIndex.from_frame(w_idx))]

# C = zeros(Nc,Nv); %Matrix of constraints
C = np.zeros((Nc, Nv))

# %% Common sectors constraints

# C11 = zeros(N,N*n);
# for ii = 1:N
#     col_indices = n*(ii-1)+1:n*ii;
#     C11(ii,col_indices) = ones(1,n);
# end
# C(1:N,1:N*n) = C11;

C11 = np.zeros((N, N*n))

for ii in range(N):
    col_indices = range(n*(ii), n*ii+n)
    C11[ii, col_indices] = np.ones((1, n))

C[:N, :N*n] = C11

# %% New sectors constraints

# C22 = zeros(1,n^2);
# for ii = 1:n
#     col_indices = n*(ii-1)+1:n*ii;
#     C22(1,col_indices) = w(ii)*ones(1,n);
# end
# C(N+1,N*n+1:N*n+n^2) = C22;

C22 = np.zeros((1, n**2))

for ii in range(0, n):
    col_indices = range(n*(ii), n*ii+n)
    C22[0, col_indices] = w[ii]*np.ones((1, n))

C[N, N*n:N*n+n**2] = C22

# %% Final demand constraints

# C31 = zeros(n,N*n);
# for ii = 1:N
#     col_indices = n*(ii-1)+1:n*ii;
#     C31(1:n,col_indices) = (x_common(ii)/x_elec)*eye(n,n);
# end
# C32 = zeros(n,n^2);
# for ii = 1:n
#     col_indices = n*(ii-1)+1:n*ii;
#     C32(1:n,col_indices) = w(ii)*eye(n,n);
# end
# C(N+2:end,1:N*n) = C31;
# C(N+2:end,N*n+1:N*n+n^2) = C32;
# C(N+2:end,N*n+n^2+1:end) = eye(n,n);

C31 = np.zeros((n, N*n))

for ii in range(N):
    col_indices = range(n*(ii-1)+3, n*ii+3)
    C31[:n, col_indices] = (x_common[ii]/x_elec)*np.eye(n)

C32 = np.zeros((n, n**2))

for ii in range(0, n):
    col_indices = range(n*(ii-1)+3, n*ii+3)
    C32[:n, col_indices] = w[ii]*np.eye(n)

C[N+1:, :N*n] = C31
C[N+1:, N*n:N*n+n**2] = C32
C[N+1:, N*n+n**2:] = np.eye(n)

# %% Building the initial estimate y0

# Technical coefficient matrix of the initial estimate
# As_y0 = zeros(N_tot,N_tot);
# As_y0(1:N,1:N) = A(1:N,1:N); %Common/Common part
# As_y0(1:N,N+1:N_tot) = repmat(A(1:N,N+1),1,n); %Common/New part
# As_y0(N+1:N_tot,1:N) = w*A(N+1,1:N); %New/Common part
# As_y0(N+1:N_tot,N+1:N_tot) = A(N+1,N+1)*repmat(w,1,n); %New/New part

As_y0 = np.zeros((N_tot, N_tot))

As_y0[:N, :N] = A.iloc[:N, :N]

As_y0[:N, N:N_tot] = np.repeat(A.iloc[:N, N].to_numpy(), n).reshape(N, n)

As_y0[N:N_tot, :N] = (
    np.multiply(w, A.iloc[N, :N].to_numpy().repeat(n).reshape(N, n)).T

As_y0[N:N_tot, N:N_tot] = np.multiply(
    A.iloc[N, N],
    np.repeat(w, n).reshape(n, n)

# %% Generating the orthogonal distinguishing matrix

# %%% Making the constraint matrix orthogonal

# C_orth = C;
# for c = 1:Nc
#     for i = 1:c-1
#         C_orth(c,:) = C_orth(c,:) - dot(C_orth(c,:),C_orth(i,:))/norm(C_orth(i,:))^2*C_orth(i,:); %Orthogonal projection
#     end
# end

C_orth = C.copy()

for c in tqdm(range(Nc), desc='Orthogonalize constraint matrix'):
    for i in range(c):
        C_orth[c, :] = (
            C_orth[c, :]
            -[c, :], C_orth[i, :])
            / np.linalg.norm(C_orth[i, :])**2 * C_orth[i, :]

# %%% Gram-Schmidt algorithm

# base = zeros(Nv,Nv); %Orthogonal base containing C_orth and D
# base(1:Nc,:) = C_orth;
# for p = Nc+1:Nv
#     base(p,:) = rand(1,Nv); %Generate random vector
#     for i=1:p-1
#         base(p,:) = base(p,:) - dot(base(p,:),base(i,:))/norm(base(i,:))^2*base(i,:); %Orthogonal projection on previous vectors
#     end
#     base(p,:) = base(p,:)/norm(base(p,:)); %Normalizing
# end
# D = transpose(base(Nc+1:end,:)); %Retrieving the distinguishing matrix from the orthogonal base

base = np.zeros((Nv, Nv))
base[:Nc, :] = C_orth.copy()

for p in tqdm(range(Nc, Nv), desc='Gram-Schmidt algorithm'):

    base[p, :] = np.random.rand(1, Nv)

    for i in range(p-1):

        base[p, :] = (
            base[p, :]
            -[p, :], base[i, :])
            / np.linalg.norm(base[i, :])**2 * base[i, :]

    base[p, :] = base[p, :] / np.linalg.norm(base[p, :])

D = base[Nc:, :].T




Coal minin and processing,CmP
Petroleaum processing and natural gas products,Pp
Food manufacturing and tobacco products,Fm
Petroleaum processing and coking,Ppc
Metal smelting and pressing,Msp
Machinery and equipment,M+e
Gas production and distribution,Gp+d
Transport and warehousing,T+w
Electricity production and distribution,Ep+d
Intermediate demand,ID
Final demand,FD
Total output,TO




Hydro-electricity and others,Hy
Subcritical coal,SubC
Other fossil fuels,OFF


  • There are some minor issues with your Gram-Schmidt algorithm from above. Note I only checked that as you mentioned:

    Up until the last step Gram-Schmidt algorithm everything appears to work correctly (the variables' values are the same as far as I can see). However, D is different.

    First off, in your outer for loop, you run from Nc -> Nv which means that the random vector in the pth row of your base won't be orthogonalized - the Matlab scripts also runs Nc+1:Nv.

    Secondly, (you got it with for-loops): You may run from 0 to p as the projection of the pth vector on the ith vector is the same (no matter if i is between 0 and p-1 or 1 and p-1).

    Furthermore, I shortened to code by adding some syntactic sugar (-= and /=) - but besides this, your Gram-Schmidt implementation is the same as proposed in the Lidner 2012 paper.

    # Orth. base containing both C_orth and D
    base = np.zeros((Nv, Nv))
    # C_orth is placed in the first :Nc rows of the base from above (c.f. Matlab code)
    base[:Nc, :] = C_orth.copy()
    # Generate random vectors for remaining rows
    for p in range(Nc+1, Nv):
        # Random vector
        base[p, :] = np.random.rand(1, Nv)
        # Orthogonal projection on previous vectors
        for i in range(p):
            # Subtract the projection of the pth vector on the ith vector
            # from the pth vector - as described in the Paper by:
            # base(p,:) = base(p,:) 
            # - dot(base(p,:),base(i,:))/norm(base(i,:))^2*base(i,:);
            # Besides the syntax, it's the exact replication! 
            base[p, :] -=[p, :], base[i, :]) / np.linalg.norm(base[i, :])**2 * base[i, :]
        # Normalize vector
        base[p, :] /= np.linalg.norm(base[p, :])
    # Retrieve matrix from the orthogonal base
    D = base[Nc:, :].T

    One thing I'd like to mention as to why your results may also differ: You might be using a different random number generator than in the paper -> You generate different random vectors!