I try to make get all data with Name field where I specify in API Request Body. I made a filter for .Find() function. But I can't get any result (response body says null, No errors at all). You can see my model file and other parts of the code at bottom.
func GET_FormByPatientFullName(ctx *gin.Context) {
col := mongodb.CLIENT.Database(config.DATABASE_NAME).Collection("consentforms")
filter := bson.M{"Patient": bson.M{"Name": ctx.Query("name")}}
cursor, err := col.Find(_CONTEXT.TODO(), filter)
if err != nil {
var results []general_models.ConsentForm
if err = cursor.All(_CONTEXT.TODO(), &results); err != nil {
for _, result := range results {
res, _ := json.Marshal(result)
ctx.IndentedJSON(http.StatusOK, gin.H{"data": results})
Model File:
type ConsentForm struct {
ID primitive.ObjectID `json:"_id,omitempty" bson:"_id,omitempty"`
FormFileURL string `json:"FormFileURL" bson:"FormFileURL"`
ProcessName string `json:"ProcessName" bson:"ProcessName"`
DateOfNotification string `json:"DateOfNotification" bson:"DateOfNotification"`
WitnessName string `json:"WitnessName" bson:"WitnessName"`
WitnessSurname string `json:"WitnessSurname" bson:"WitnessSurname"`
ResponsibleDoctor string `json:"ResponsibleDoctor" bson:"ResponsibleDoctor"`
Patient IPatient `json:"Patient" bson:"Patient"`
QuestionOptions IQuestionOptions `json:"QuestionOptions" bson:"QuestionOptions"`
AdditionalDetails string `json:"AdditionalDetails" bson:"AdditionalDetails"`
type IPatient struct {
// ID primitive.ObjectID `json:"_id,omitempty" bson:"_id,omitempty"`
Name string `json:"Name" bson:"Name"`
Surname string `json:"Surname" bson:"Surname"`
Birthdate string `json:"Birthdate" bson:"Birthdate"`
TCKN string `json:"TCKN" bson:"TCKN"`
FacePhotoURL string `json:"FacePhotoURL" bson:"FacePhotoURL"`
SignatureImageURL string `json:"SignatureImageURL" bson:"SignatureImageURL"`
I tried to filter and get all the data of the user according to the user name. But I think I have a mistake in the filter part or in the overall code because I can't get any data return. I get an empty return.
Your filter would match documents where Patient
is an embedded document with a single Name
field matching the given value.
To filter by a field of an embedded document, you have to use the dot notation:
filter := bson.M{"Patient.Name": ctx.Query("name")}