I'm using AWS amplify UI react to create the authentication flow in the react application. I followed the document and made the navigation flow using the doc below.
However, after logging in, I was able to see the login page flickering each time when I access any other route. To solve this, I followed one of the answers from the below question.
Flicker of login page on Authentication - useAuthenticator - React - Amplify Auth.
Unfortunately now, the page is always stuck in the "configuring" state and the authStatus never getting changed at all. How do I handle this scenario to automatically redirect to the login page if not authenticated and not show the login page each time user refreshes the page?
NOTE: This question is related to amplify-ui react with Authenticator.provider component.
RequireAuth.tsx - all routes are wrapped inside this
import { useLocation, Navigate } from "react-router-dom";
import { useAuthenticator } from "@aws-amplify/ui-react";
import PageLoader from "../../components/loader/page-loader";
export function RequireAuth({ children }: any) {
const location = useLocation();
const { authStatus, user } = useAuthenticator((context) => [
console.log("authStatus:::", authStatus);
console.log("user:::", user);
if (authStatus === "authenticated") {
return <>{children}</>;
} else if (authStatus === "unauthenticated") {
return <Navigate to="/login" state={{ from: location }} replace />;
} else if (authStatus === "configuring") {
return <PageLoader />;
} else {
return <Navigate to="/login" state={{ from: location }} replace />;
And few routes in appRoutes.
<AppLayout />
<Home />
Unfortunately, this appears to be a known bug with <Authenticator.Provider>
and <Authenticator/>
Until the bug is fixed, there is a known workaround that involves always including the <Authenticator/>
component within the active dom structure and then hiding it using CSS. It's pretty terrible, but, worked for me:
[data-amplify-authenticator] {
In the future, I am planning to write a custom UI and handle the authentication in my backend before dropping these components altogether.