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Testcontainers ftp and real server different navigation

I want to test my simple class that connected to public Ftp and get list of fileNames from there.

And i found very strange issue - navigation on real server and on test conteiner with same dirs are not same

there is a dir structure

enter image description here

Well if i connect to real server and use ftp.changeWorkingDirectory("/out/published") everything is good - directory changed and i retrive file from there

if i trying to do same in testconteiner ftp.changeWorkingDirectory("/out/published") it return false ( cant find this directory) and if i remove slash like this ftp.changeWorkingDirectory("out/published") it will work

and second issue if i will do ftp.listnames("/out/published/tverskaya_obl/purchaseNotice/daily) on real server it will work good, but in testconteiner it work only if i use this ftp.listNames("tverskaya_obl/purchaseNotice/daily"


is there any way to fix it

here is the code to create testcontainer and folders

@SpringBootTest(properties = " = localhost")
class PurchaseFZ223FtpServiceTest {

    private static final int PORT = 21;
    private static final String USER = "";
    private static final String PASSWORD = "";

    private static final int PASSIVE_MODE_PORT = 21000;

    FtpService ftpService;

    private static final FixedHostPortGenericContainer ftp = new FixedHostPortGenericContainer<>(
            .withFixedExposedPort(PASSIVE_MODE_PORT, PASSIVE_MODE_PORT)
            .withEnv("USERS", USER + "|" + PASSWORD)
            .withEnv("MIN_PORT", String.valueOf(PASSIVE_MODE_PORT))
            .withEnv("MAX_PORT", String.valueOf(PASSIVE_MODE_PORT));

    void init() throws NoSuchFieldException, IllegalAccessException, IOException {
        FTPClient client =new FTPClient();
        client.connect("localhost", ftp.getMappedPort(PORT));
        client.login(USER, PASSWORD);
        client.storeFile("list_regions.txt", new ByteArrayInputStream("tverskaya_obl".getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)));
        client.storeFile("purchaseNotice_Tverskaya_obl_20221209_000000_20221209_235959_daily_001.xml.txt", new ByteArrayInputStream("test".getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)));


  • Finally found what is going wrong

    When testconteiner create ftp server it just add two folders like this


    so my mistake was to ask list of file name with invalid path

    valid path for me to get list of fileNames is /ftp/***/out/published/tverskaya_obl/purchaseNotice/daily

    same with change working dir

    if you dnt know how to check real path you are at just do this
