From what I can gather from How can I disable an anchor element in mustache file using YML configuration? I should be able to have a link shown depending on whether the href attribute exists or not.
I have the following in my script,
<a {{#href}} href= {{Link}} {{/href}}> url </a>
The issue i am having is that the word url appears as plain text i.e. without the link. {{Link}} holds a valid link.
If i use the below script the hyperlink is rendered,
<a href={{Link}}> url2 </a>
But there are instances where {{Link}} would be null, in those instances i do not want url2 to be displayed, which is why i am trying to use {{#href}} and {{/href}}.
What could i be missing ?
Thanks to inspiration from this post How do I accomplish an if/else in mustache.js? , an if/else (sort of) in mustache (inverted sections) the below script works,
<a href={{Link}}> url2 </a>
which could be read as if Link has a non null value render the link otherwise do something else, in my case nothing.