Is there a package that allows for estimation of shap values for multiple observations for models that are not XGBoost or decision tree based? I created a neural network using Caret and NNET. I want to develop a beeswarm plot and shap dependence plots to explore the relationship between certain variables in my model and the outcome. The only success I have had is using the DALEX package to estimate SHAP values, but DALEX only does this for single instances and cannot do a global analysis using SHAP values. Any insight or help would be appreciated!
I have tried using different shap packages (fastshap, shapr) but these require decision tree based models. I tried creating an XGBoost model in caret but this did not implement well with the shap packages in r and I could not get the outcome I wanted.
I invested a little bit of time to push R in this regard:
Put differently: kernelshap + shapviz = explain any model.
Here an example using "caret" for linear regression, but nnet works identically.
fit <- train(
Sepal.Length ~ .,
data = iris,
method = "lm",
tuneGrid = data.frame(intercept = TRUE),
trControl = trainControl(method = "none")
# Explain rows in `X` based on background data `bg_X` (50-200 rows, not the full training data!)
shap <- kernelshap(fit, X = iris[, -1], bg_X = iris)
sv <- shapviz(shap)
sv_importance(sv, kind = "bee")
sv_dependence(sv, "Species", color_var = "auto")
# Single observations
sv_waterfall(sv, 1)
sv_force(sv, 1)