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Custom Unique Row selection in oracle SQL

Let the table - TableA is as follows,

1 1234 SER1 Y ABC
2 1234 SER2 N DEF
3 3456 SER1 Y XYZ
4 3456 SER2 Y PQR
5 5678 SER1 N QAZ
6 5678 SER2 N SRT

Is it possible to get the result as shown below using oracle sql ?

1 1234 SER1 Y ABC
3 3456 SER1 Y XYZ
5 5678 SER1 N QAZ

The unique row selection rules are:

  • Among rows with same value in COL1,
    • Select the row with Y for COL3. (For example, among rows: 1,2; 1st one has Y for COL3)
    • If both rows have same value(Y/N) for COL3 then select one of the row (among 3, 4 -> 3 & 5,6 -> 5 ).


  • If you sort rows using row_number analytic function and put named conditions into its order by clause, you'd get this:

    Sample data:

    SQL> with tablea (row_no, col1, col2, col3, col4) as
      2    (select 1, 1234, 'SER1', 'Y', 'ABC' from dual union all
      3     select 2, 1234, 'SER2', 'N', 'DEF' from dual union all
      4     select 3, 3456, 'SER1', 'Y', 'XYZ' from dual union all
      5     select 4, 3456, 'SER2', 'Y', 'PQR' from dual union all
      6     select 5, 5678, 'SER1', 'N', 'QAZ' from dual union all
      7     select 6, 5678, 'SER2', 'N', 'SRT' from dual
      8    ),

    Query begins here:

      9  temp as
     10    (select a.*,
     11       row_number() over (partition by col1
     12                          order by case when col3 = 'Y' then 1 else 2 end, row_no) rn
     13     from tablea a
     14    )
     15  select row_no, col1, col2, col3, col4
     16  from temp
     17  where rn = 1;
        ROW_NO       COL1 COL2 COL3 COL4
    ---------- ---------- ---- ---- ----
             1       1234 SER1 Y    ABC
             3       3456 SER1 Y    XYZ
             5       5678 SER1 N    QAZ