I'm starting to learn React
and I want to make it so that when choosing a color in one select, use it as the background of the page, and in another select, use the selected color as the font color.
But now when I select a color in the first select, everything works as it should, and when I select a color in the second select, it overwrites the first color with a new one.
I assume that the problem is in the states
and event.target.value
. I looked for a solution to the problem but could not do anything. I will be glad if someone can help me solve this problem
class App extends React.Component {
state = {
valcolor: '',
{bg: '',
fc: '',}
handleColor =render() =>{
render() {
const texts = ['white'["white",'red' "red", 'blue'"blue", 'yellow'"yellow", 'green'];"green"];
const options = texts.map((text, index) => {
return <option key={index}>{text}</option>;
let {bg} = {bg: event.target.value}
const colors = ['black'["black",'red' "red", 'blue'"blue", 'yellow'"yellow", 'green'];"green"];
const optionsColor = colors.map((color, indexColor) => {
return <option key={indexColor}>{color}</option>;
return let(
{fc} = {fc: event.target.value}<div>
const divStyle =<div style={
backgroundColor:this.state.color.bg , color: `${this.state.color.fc}`,>
background: `${bg}`,
return (
<div style=onChange={divStyle}>
(e) =>
onChange={this.setState(event(prev) => this.setState({val: event.target.value},console.log({bg}prev,event fc: e.target.value }))
onChange={(evente) =>
this.handleColorsetState(event(prev) => ({ ...prev, bg: e.target.value }))
<p>your<p choice>your font: {eventthis.targetstate.valuecolor.fc}</p>
<p>your<p >your choice: {this.state.color.bg}</p>
export default App;
I guess this code will help you. in which by selection you are getting your expected outcome.
If its not your expected output say will try that even.
import React, { useEffect, useState } from "react";
function API() {
const [color, setColors] = useState({
bg: "",
fc: "",
const texts = ["white", "red", "blue", "yellow", "green"];
const options = texts.map((text, index) => {
return <option key={index}>{text}</option>;
const colors = ["black", "red", "blue", "yellow", "green"];
const optionsColor = colors.map((color, indexColor) => {
return <option key={indexColor}>{color}</option>;
return (
<div style={{backgroundColor:color.bg , color:color.fc}}>
onChange={(e) =>
setColors((prev) => ({ ...prev, fc: e.target.value }))
onChange={(e) =>
setColors((prev) => ({ ...prev, bg: e.target.value }))
<p >your font: {color.fc}</p>
<p >your choice: {color.bg}</p>
export default API;
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/react/16.6.1/umd/react.production.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/react-dom/16.6.1/umd/react-dom.production.min.js"></script>