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Trying to implement SimplePay (OTP) payment gateway in a NodeJS project, but I fail to get the same signature as in the tech documentation

I'm trying to implement SimplePay (OTP) payment gateway in a NodeJS project.

So far I'm only exploring and following the technical documentation, and try to put together the test start request as per the documentation, but I cannot get the same signature as it's expected in the docs.

Documentation (examples are with their PHP SDK):

How to create the signature:

signature = codeBase64(hmacWithSha384(merchantKey, message))

(so create a HMCAC SHA384 hash of the whole JSON sent in the post body (this is the message), and use the merchantKey, then base64 encode the has result)



message (should be the whole JSON sent in the POST body):


Expected outcome of the signature according to the docs:


Now I've tried a lot of things, but can't seem to get the same signature. Here's my code, and questions:

const bodyAsText = `{"salt":"c1ca1d0e9fc2323b3dda7cf145e36f5e","merchant":"PUBLICTESTHUF","orderRef":"101010516348232058105","currency":"HUF","customerEmail":"","language":"HU","sdkVersion":"SimplePayV2.1_Payment_PHP_SDK_2.0.7_190701:dd236896400d7463677a82a47f53e36e","methods":\["CARD"\],"total":"25","timeout":"2021-10-30T12:30:11+00:00","url":""}\`;

const message = JSON.parse(bodyAsText);

const merchantKey = "FxDa5w314kLlNseq2sKuVwaqZshZT5d6";

const signature = createHmac("sha384", merchantKey)

console.log("Your signature is: ", signature);\

I've also tried this way:

const signature = createHmac("sha384", merchantKey) .update(JSON.stringify(message)) .digest().toString('base64');

But the result is the same:


I've tried submitting the request via postman. for the same JSON in body, I get signature error with my signature, and success with the one written in docs, which is kind of expected, I just don't get what I'm missing.


  • The issue is caused by the URL in the message and differences between PHP (to which the documentation refers) and JavaScript/NodeJS (what you are using).

    In PHP, \/ is not treated as an escape sequence and is interpreted as \/. In JavaScript, \/ is treated as an escape sequence and interpreted as /. For the input to be interpreted as \/, \/ (or /) must be replaced with \\/ in the message string, e.g.:

    const crypto = require('crypto');
    const merchantKey = "FxDa5w314kLlNseq2sKuVwaqZshZT5d6";
    const body = {"salt":"c1ca1d0e9fc2323b3dda7cf145e36f5e","merchant":"PUBLICTESTHUF","orderRef":"101010516348232058105","currency":"HUF","customerEmail":"","language":"HU","sdkVersion":"SimplePayV2.1_Payment_PHP_SDK_2.0.7_190701:dd236896400d7463677a82a47f53e36e","methods":["CARD"],"total":"25","timeout":"2021-10-30T12:30:11+00:00","url":"https:\/\/\/back.php"}
    const message = JSON.stringify(body).replace(/\//g, "\\\/");
    const signature = crypto.createHmac("sha384", merchantKey)
    console.log("Your signature is: ", signature); // Your signature is:  gcDJ8J7TyT1rC/Ygj/8CihXaLwniMWRav09QSEMQUnv5TbYaEDvQAuBE1mW3plvZ

    Note that this fix is to be made in the message string, not in the JavaScript object, where \/ would be interpreted as /, and \\/ as \\/ (and not as \/).

    Also note that there are two typos in the JavaScript object you posted for the message: The backslashes before the two square brackets must be removed.