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Pass Julia arguments to be executed in REPL?

I very (very!) often do this routine in my daily work:

$ j7 # (alias for Julia version 1.7)
julia> ] activate .
(or similarly) (@v1.8) pkg> activate . 
Activating project at `~/MyMWE_WorkingPath`
julia> using Revise ; using RRSP # RRSP is my working module

I would like to have an alias for doing this routine quicker and easilier. I do it at the very least ten times a week and will do it for months more.

Ideally, I would do something like, j7RRSP which is an alias for:

alias j7RRSP='julia > ]activate . ; using Revise ; using RRSP'

This is incorrect and I don't know how to do it well! I know alias for executing julia files are possible :

alias j7jl='julia somefiles.jl'

In my case, I am activating a project then using two packages, Revise, which is standard, then RRSP that I created.


  • Another solution is using a function that works exactly like an alias, but with a much saner syntax and capabilities:

    j7RRSP() {
      julia --project=. -e "using Revise, RRSP" -i "$@"

    As a one-line:

    j7RRSP(){ julia --project=. -e "using Revise, RRSP" -i "$@";}