I am trying to automate vpn login using expect script. I intend to choose a vpn address from a list of addresses as same address doesn't work all the time. I have this right now:
cat connect_script
#!/usr/bin/expect -f
# example-vpn1.com
# example-vpn2.com
# example-vpn3.com
spawn /opt/cisco/anyconnect/bin/vpn connect example-vpn1.com
expect {
"Username:*" {
sleep 1
send "username\r"
"Password:" {
sleep 1
send "password\r"
This works fine but often example-vpn1.com
will stop working, so i will manually change example-vpn1.com
to example-vpn2.com
I want to create an array like
vpnaddr = [example-vpn1.com, example-vpn2.com, example-vpn3.com]
and then send a command-line argument
e.g. connect_script 0
or connect_script 1
such that vaddr[0]
or vaddr[1]
is used to connect to vpn in expect script.
Something like below code.
#!/usr/bin/expect -f
set vpnaddr [list example-vpn1.com example-vpn2.com example-vpn3.com]
set IDX [lindex $argv 0]
spawn /opt/cisco/anyconnect/bin/vpn connect vpnaddr[IDX]
expect {
"Username:*" {
sleep 1
send "username\r"
"Password:" {
sleep 1
send "password\r"
what is the correct way to do vpnaddr[IDX]
What you are calling an array is a Tcl list. Using correct terms is important because a Tcl array is something different.
Use the lindex
command to get an item from a list, not square brackets.
Instead of vpnaddr[IDX]
, you need to do [lindex $vpnaddr $IDX]