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Django queryset StringAgg on arrayfield

I have some data which includes sizes, much like the model below.

class Product(models.Model):
    width = models.CharField()
    height = models.CharField()
    length = models.CharField()

Through annotation we have a field called at_size which produces data like:

  • [None, None, None]
  • ['200', '000', '210']
  • ['180', None, None]

This was accomplished like so (thanks to: )

    class Array(Func):
        template = '%(function)s[%(expressions)s]'
        function = 'ARRAY'

    out_format = ArrayField(CharField(max_length=200))

    annotated_qs = Product.objects.all().annotate(
        at_size=Array(F('width'), F('height'), F('length'), 

I'm trying to get this to convert into:

  • ''
  • '200 x 000 x 210'
  • '180'

In code, this could a bit like ' x '.join([i for i in data if i]). But as I need to accomplish this with database functions it's a bit more challenging.

I've been playing with StringAgg, but I keep getting:

HINT: No function matches the given name and argument types. You might need to add explicit type casts.

It looks like I need to make sure the None values are excluded from the initial Array-func to begin with. But I'm not sure where to get started here. How can I accomplish this?


  • Turns out the problem was two-fold.

    1. Cleaning out the Null values could be done through using array_remove
    2. glueing the strings with a delimiter through StringAgg only works if the input are strings. But since we use an array, that wasn't the way to go. Instead use array_to_string

    The final result looks like:

        class Array(Func):
            template = '%(function)s[%(expressions)s]'
            function = 'ARRAY'
        class ArrayRemove(Func):
            function = 'array_remove'
        class ArrayToString(Func):
            function = 'array_to_string'
        out_format = ArrayField(CharField(max_length=200))
        annotated_qs = annotated_qs.annotate(
                    Array(F('width'), F('height'), F('length'), output_field=out_format),
                    None, # Remove None values from the Array with ArrayRemove                
                Value(" x "),  # Delimiter.
                Value(''),  # If there are null-values, replace with... (fallback)

    this produces the desired format:

    for product in annotated_qs:
    180 x 000 x 200
    180 x 026 x 200
    180 x 7 x 200
    180 x 000 x 200
    200 x 000 x 220
    180 x 000 x 200
    175 x 230 x 033
    160 x 000 x 200
    60 x 220