I am using np.where to test the value of a field('Security') in the row (a) of a datatable as if the value is 'Cash" I want to do something and if it is not then do something else. I am getting different behaviours depending on what I am putting into the then and else arguments of the function. My example is below as returned from my debugger (I am using spyder and python 3.9.13
np.where(a['Security']=='CASH', 1, 2)
Out[233]: array(2)
np.where(a['Security']=='CASH', re.findall('|'.join(aSecs), a['Description'].upper()), 2)
Out[234]: array([], dtype=float64)
and the value of the field I am testing
Out[235]: 'NOTCASH'
The return of
re.findall('|'.join(aSecs), a['Description'].upper())
Out[236]: []
What could be causing the np.where to evaluate the same clause differently?
From the first, a['Security']=='CASH'
must be evaluating as a scalar False:
In [281]: np.where(False, 1, 2)
Out[281]: array(2)
If one the choices is a (0,) shape array, the result will also be (0,) shape:
In [282]: np.where(False, np.array([]), 2)
Out[282]: array([], dtype=float64)
The key is that np.where
broadcasts the three arguments against each other. In broadcasting, all size 1 dimensional terms (and scalars) as scaled to match the others, even size 0.
Scaling up to (2,) is something we often see, but scaling down to (0,) is also allowed:
In [283]: np.where(False, np.array([1,2]), 2)
Out[283]: array([2, 2])
If the condition is (2,), the result will also be (2,): In [284]: np.where([True,False],2,3) Out[284]: array([2, 3])
But with a (0,), broadcasting fails:
In [285]: np.where([True,False],[],3)
ValueError Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [285], in <cell line: 1>()
----> 1 np.where([True,False],[],3)
File <__array_function__ internals>:5, in where(*args, **kwargs)
ValueError: operands could not be broadcast together with shapes (2,) (0,) ()
maybe more complex than you need for just one row.
In [286]: [] if False else 2
Out[286]: 2
In [287]: [] if True else 2
Out[287]: []