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What is the difference between @aws-sdk/client-ses and @aws-sdk/client-sesv2?

AWS's SDK for JavaScript version 3 seems to have 2 different clients for Simple Email Service (SES).

I realized I have been using @aws-sdk/client-sesv2 but:

  • The actual doc on their GitHub repos is really hard to understand (see v1 and v2)
  • Nowhere in the Github example do they show an example of sending an email or why there are 2 versions
  • I found this more useful documentation but they don't even mention v2?

Are we supposed to use v1 or v2? What are the differences between both?


  • After poking around, the AWS SDK for JavaScript seems to have two versions:

    Version 2 of the SDK is meant to be entering maintenance mode in 2023.

    Now that this first layer of confusion is cleared out, the AWS SES API also has 2 versions:

    So based on this investigation, I presume that the packages points to the different API versions.