I cant get my modules CSS and JS to work. The module itself is working correctly, it's turned on, it loads the template file but no matter what I do I just cannot get the css and js to load in.
the css and js are located in:
this is the modules php file
if (!defined('_PS_VERSION_')){
class DkSearch extends Module {
public function __construct() {
$this->name = "dksearch";
$this->tab = "front_office_features";
$this->version = "1.0";
$this->need_instance = 0;
$this->ps_version_compliancy = [
"min" => "1.7",
"max" => _PS_VERSION_
$this->bootstrap = true;
$this->displayName = "DKSearch";
$this->description = "Lorem ipsum";
$this->confirmUninstall = "Removed";
public function install() {
return parent::install() &&
$this->registerHook('actionFrontControllerSetMedia') &&
Configuration::updateValue('dksearch', 'dksearch');
public function uninstall() : Bool
return parent::uninstall();
public function hookdisplayDKSearch() {
return $this->display(__FILE__, 'views/templates/hook/dksearch.tpl');
public function hookActionFrontControllerSetMedia()
'media' => 'all',
'priority' => 1000,
'position' => 'bottom',
'priority' => 1000,
The hookdisplayDKSearch.tpl file is displayed in header.tpl by {hook h='displayDKSearch'} I didn't hook ActionFrontControllerSetMedia anywhere in the page i don't know if its necessary. Im using the classic theme if that's worth noting.
I tried following the steps in the presta shop documentation, youtube guides and google but nothing seemed to work, unless i implemented them incorrectly :(
The problem is prestashop now doesn't allow you to register JS and CSS using that hook. You can use displayHeader hook and addJS, addCSS methods.
And then
public function hookDisplayHeader() {
Remember that you have to reset your module to make registerHook get called inside install() function!