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Assign Roles to multiple users and System Identity using Powershell?

I have requirement to assign Azure Roles to multiple users on subscription scope and Reader role to Managed Identity-Storage Account.

1.Assign Azure RBAC roles to multiple users

2.Assign system assigned managed identity to existing Virtual Machine, Role Reader

Here is the script.

$vm-(Get-Azum-ResourceGroupName <Resourcegrpupname> -Name <VMName>),identity.principalid 

New-AzRoleAssignment -Objectid <Objectid> -RoleDefinitionName "Reader" -Scope "/subscriptions/<Id>/resourceGroups/VResourcregroup Name>/providers/Microsoft.Storage/StoragrAccounts/<storageaccoumt>

New-AzRoleAssignment -ObjectId <ID> -RoleDefinationName <RBACRule> -Scope '/Subscription/<I'D>`

Script is working,butneed to assign same roles to multiple users.


  • Assign Azure RBAC roles to multiple users":

    To assign roles to multiple users at the same time, simply form a group by adding users who need the "reader" role assignments.

    Created a group under AzureAD -> Groups:

    enter image description here

    new-azroleassignment -objectID <ObjectId of group> -Roledefinitionname "Reader"  -scope "/subscriptions/<subscriptionID>/resourceGroups/xxxxRG/..." #Give scope of the resource as per the requirements.


    enter image description here

    1. Assign system assigned managed identity to existing Virtual Machine:

    Previously, System assigned identity status is Off:

    enter image description here

    If not for any particular roles, You can directly update VM configurations/identities by using below commands:

    $vminfo = Get-AzVM -ResourceGroupName xxxxxxRG -Name xxxxVM
    Update-AzVM -ResourceGroupName xxxxxxRG -VM $vminfo -IdentityType SystemAssigned 

    enter image description here

    System assigned identity status is "ON" now:

    enter image description here

    1. Assign system assigned managed identity to existing Virtual Machine, Role Reader:

    Using PowerShell, you may configure identities for the appropriate app roles under App services. To work with VMs, use AzCLI command az vm identity to assign the system-assigned identity as shown here:

    az vm identity assign -g xxxxResourceGroup -n xxxxVirtualMachineName --role Reader --scope /subscriptions/<subscriptionID>/resourceGroups/xxxxRG


    enter image description here


    SID=$(az resource list -n newVM --query [*].identity.principalId --out tsv)
    az role assignment create --assignee $SID --role 'Reader' --scope /subscriptions/<subscriptionID>/resourceGroups/xxxxRG/providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/<storageaccount>

    enter image description here

    • Assigning Azure RBAC roles with scope as storage account:
    new-azroleassignment -objectID <ObjectId of group> -Roledefinitionname "Reader"  -scope "/subscriptions/<subscriptionID>/resourceGroups/xxxxRG/providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/<storageaccount>

    enter image description here