I am using shared memory for transferring data between two process, using boost::interprocess::managed_shared_memory to allocate a vector as buffer and atomic variables for enforcing memory synchronization (similar to boost::lockfree::spsc_queue).
I was measuring the end-to-end latency for the setup with 2 processes -
I am using a RingBuffer of size 4K (high for safety), although ideally a maximun of 1 element will be present in the buffer as per the current setup. Also, I am pushing data around 3 million times to get a good estimate for the end to end latency.
To measure the latency - I get the current time in nanoseconds and store it in a vector (resized to size 3 million at the beginning). I have a 6 core setup, with isolated cpus, and I do taskset to different cores for both sender and receiver process. I also make sure no other program is running from my end on the machine when doing this testing. Output of /proc/cmdline
initrd=\initramfs-linux-lts.img root=PARTUUID=cc2a533b-d26d-4995-9166-814d7f59444d rw isolcpus=0-4 intel_idle.max_cstate=0 idle=poll
I have already done the verification that all data transfer is accurate and nothing is lost. So simple row-wise subtraction of the timestamp is sufficient to get the latency.
I am getting latency of around a 300-400 nanosecods as mean and median of the distribution, but the standard deviation was too high (few thousands of nanos). On looking at the numbers, I found out that there are 2-3 instances where the latency shoots upto 600000 nanos, and then gradually comes down (in steps of around 56000 nanos - probably queueing is happening and consecutive pops from the buffer are successful). Attaching a sample "jitter" here -
568086 511243 454416 397646 340799 284018 227270 170599 113725 57022 396
If I filter out these jittery datapoints, the std_dev becomes very less. So I went digging into what can be the reason for this. Initially I was looking if there was some pattern, or if it is occuring periodically, but it doesnot seem so in my opinion.
I ran the receiver process with perf stat -d
, it clearly shows the number of context switches to be 0.
Interestingly, when looking the receiver process's /proc/${pid}/status
, I monitor
voluntary_ctxt_switches, nonvoluntary_ctxt_switches
and see that the nonvoluntary_ctxt_switches increase at a rate of around 1 per second, and voluntary_ctxt_switches is constant once the data sharing starts. But the problem is that for around the 200 seconds of my setup runtime, the number of latency spikes is around 2 or 3 and does not match the frequency of this context_switch numbers. (what is this count then?)
I also followed a thread which feels relevant, but cant get anything. For the core running the receiver process, the trace on core 1 with context switch is (But the number of spikes this time was 5)-
$ grep " 1)" trace | grep "=>"
1) jemallo-22010 => <idle>-0
2) <idle>-0 => kworker-138
3) kworker-138 => <idle>-0
I also checked the difference between /proc/interrupts
before and after the run of the setup.
The differences are
name | receiver_core | sender_core |
enp1s0f0np1-0 | 2 | 0 |
eno1 | 0 | 3280 |
Non-maskable interrupts | 25 | 25 |
Local timer interrupts | 2K | ~3M |
Performance monitoring interrupts | 25 | 25 |
Rescheduling interrupts | 9 | 12 |
Function call interrupts | 120 | 110 |
machine-check polls | 1 | 1 |
I am not exactly sure of what most of these numbers represent. But I am curious as why there are rescheduling interrupts, and what is enp1s0f0np1-0.
It might be the case that the spike is not coming due to context switches at the first place, but a number of the range 600 mics does hunch towards that. Leads towards any other direction would be very helpful. I have also tried restarting the server.
Turns out the problem was indeed not related to context switch. I was also dumping the received data in a file. Stopping that recording removed the spikes. So, the high latency was due to some kind of write flush happening.